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Aardwolf Pastebin
Floating Through Fluff
Aardwolf Room: Floating Through Fluff (45984)
Bloodlust Dungeon (dungeon)
Currently tracking
mob sightings in this room:
a giant with 100 hands and 50 heads
a headless horseman
a soul stealer
a bloodthirsty minotaur
a pair of disembodied wings
a gilled sludge
a demon princess
a slimy reptile
a star-shaped skeleton
a fang-toothed butterfly
a golden fungus toad
a backwards-footed beast
a fighting minotaur
an air elemental
a sickle-limbed weasel
a pig-headed dragon
a giant eel with humanoid arms
a big black hairy toad
a horned white creature
a swirling mass of tentacles
a flying fox shadow
a swamp thing
a vampire head with trailing entrails
a ghostly black canine
a hunched monstrosity
a clump of appendages tipped with mouths
a sickle-limbed weasel
a chaos beast
a liquid black fright
a sickle-limbed weasel
a giant tortoise
a parasitic fairy
Ganthor the fifth
an elephant bird
a battling minotaur
a headless horseman
the mother of all sea creatures
Winged silence
a hideous being with many large teeth
a malicious, dwarf-like creature
a globster
a tentacle-faced demon
a statue-like colossal entity
a mass of black tentacles and slime
a spiked creature
a demonic punisher
an amorphous blob
a liquid black fright
a chicken-legged reptile
a darklith
a flying fox shadow
an unfathomable horror
a sickle-limbed weasel
a glowing bird with 100 eyes
a flying fox shadow
a curiously tall shadow
a dwarven champion
an octopus-headed humanoid
a giant with 100 hands and 50 heads
a shape-shifting demon
an amphibious creature