Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
The Yurgach Domain
Aardwolf Area: The Yurgach Domain (yurgach)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) A bat-winged messenger
(Flying) A hairy Yurgach
(Flying) A huge green dragon
(Flying) A large manticore
(Flying) A mist wraith
(Flying) A small wood-sprite
(Flying) A young obsidian dragon
a bat-winged messenger
a bat-winged messenger
a bat-winged messenger
a champion of the Light
a dejected elf
a fire ant
a fire salamander
a guardian of the Light
a guardian of the Light
a haggard dwarf
a hairy Yurgach
a hairy Yurgach
a hairy Yurgach
a hairy Yurgach
a huge crocodile
a huge earth elemental
a huge earth elemental
a huge green dragon
a huge green dragon
a huge humanoid diamond creature
a large bluish mound of filth
a large greenish blob
a large hungry troll
a large manticore
a large manticore
a large Morgress
a large Morgress
a large red-scaled beast
a large shaggy Morgrath
a large shaggy Morgrath
a mist wraith
a mist wraith
a pretty young dryad
a ravenous troll
a ravenous troll
a sleepy Yurgach
a sleepy Yurgach
a small wood-sprite
a small wood-sprite
a small wood-sprite
a snake-woman
a snake-woman
a tangle of vines
a tangle of vines
a tangle of vines
a tortured woman
a young morgrat
a young morgrat
a young obsidian dragon
a young obsidian dragon
a Yurgach guard
a Yurgach guard
a Yurgach guard
a Yurgach guard
a Yurgach guard
a Yurgach guard
a Yurgach guard
a Yurgach hunter
a Yurgach hunter
a Yurgach jailor
a Yurgach jailor
a Yurgach sentry
an efreeti
an elite Yurgach guard
an elite Yurgach guard
an enormous obsidian dragon
an enormous obsidian dragon
an ogre slave
an Order of the Light attacker
an Order of the Light cleric
an Order of the Light cleric
an Order of the Light soldier
an ugly Yurgach warrior
an unseen being
the Drachloch
the Gatekeeper
Currently tracking
in this area:
On the Stairway (14086)
Falling Down the Stairs (14087)
Altar of Light (14088)
Hallway of light (14089)
Hallway of light (14090)
Outside the Iron Door (14091)
Narrow Corridor (14092)
T-Intersection (14093)
In the Dungeons (14094)
In the Dungeons (14095)
In the Dungeons (14096)
Torture Chamber (14097)
In the Dungeon (14098)
Top of the Stairway (14099)
Base of a Stairway (14100)
In the Dungeon (14101)
Bend in the Corridor (14102)
On the Stairs (14103)
In the Dungeons (14104)
In the Dungeons (14105)
Dank Cell (14106)
Dank Cell (14107)
In the Dungeons (14108)
Dank Cell (14109)
Dank Cell (14110)
Dank Cell (14111)
Small Chamber (14112)
Large cave (14113)
In the air (14114)
Trapped in a Hole (14115)
Top of the Stairway (14116)
Guard Room (14117)
Smelly Privy (14118)
Guards Quarters (14119)
Short Hallway (14120)
Lost in the Mist (14121)
Lost in the Mist (14123)
Lost in the Mist (14124)
Lost in the Mist (14125)
Lost in the Mist (14126)
Lost in the Mist (14127)
Lost in the Mist (14128)
Lost in the Mist (14129)
The Throne Room (14131)
The Throne Room (14132)
Path between the mud-pools (29449)
Amongst the slag (29450)
Inside the hole (29451)
T-intersection (29452)
Smelly tunnel (29453)
Large slimy cave (29454)
Small smelly cave (29455)
Narrow path (29456)
Climbing the cliff (29457)
Wide Corridor (29458)
Top of the cliff (29459)
Guard Room (29460)
Edge of the mud-pools (29461)
Inside a small cave (29462)
Edge of a precipice (29463)
Fallen off the precipice (29464)
A Large Hallway (29465)
Entrance to the fire-swamp (29466)
Large Hallway (29467)
In the fire-swamp (29468)
Ant tunnel (29469)
Small Cave (29470)
Small Hill (29471)
Deep in the fire-swamp (29472)
In hot oil! (29473)
Cave entrance (29474)
Southern edge of the fire-swamp (29475)
Forest path (29476)
In hot oil! (29477)
On a small hill (29478)
On a small hill (29479)
Small hillock (29480)
Entrance to the anthill (29481)
Ant-hill entrance tunnel (29482)
Inside the ant-hill (29483)
Deep in the Fire Swamp (29484)
Entrance to a hole (29485)
At the Bronze Doors (29486)
At the Bronze Doors (29487)
Barren land (29488)
Deep in the fire-swamp (29489)
Edge of the fire-swamp (29490)
Rift room (29491)
Barren plain (29492)
Barren plain (29493)
Edge of the world (29494)
Barren plain (29495)
Edge of the world (29496)
Edge of the Bayou (29497)
In the Bayou (29498)
Forest path (29499)
Forest path (29500)
Forest path intersection (29501)
Forest path (29502)
Forest path (29503)
Forest trail (29504)
Forest path (29505)
Forest trail (29506)
The tangled forest (29507)
The tangled forest (29508)
Giant Blackpine (29509)
Lost in the forest (29510)
Lost in the forest (29511)
Lost in the forest (29512)
Lost in the forest (29513)
Lost in the forest (29514)
Lost in the forest (29515)
Lost in the forest (29516)
Lost in the forest (29517)
Lost in the forest (29518)
Lost in the forest (29519)
Lost in the forest (29520)
A path crossing (29521)
Edge of the forest (29522)
Path before the Gate (29523)
Entry Foyer (29524)
In the Bayou (29525)
In the Bayou (29526)
In the Bayou (29527)
In the Bayou (29528)
In the Bayou (29529)
By the riverside (29530)
On the murky river (29531)
On the murky river (29532)
On the murky river (29533)
Over the waterfall! (29534)
On the river (29535)
Sucked underground and drowned (29536)
On the dock (29537)
Forest trail (29538)
Hidden gully (29539)
Nowhere room (29540)
Hallway of light (29541)
Hallway of light (29542)
Dank Corridor (35399)
Dank Stone Corridor (35400)
Head of a Stairway (35401)
Dank Corridor (35402)