Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
The Misty Shores of Yarr
Aardwolf Area: The Misty Shores of Yarr (yarr)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) A demolition crew
(Flying) An angry toucan
a barmaid
a barmaid
a barmaid
a barmaid
a barmaid
a barmaid
a boat full of pirates
a brawling pirate
a brawling pirate
a brawling pirate
a brawling pirate
a coconut wielding monkey
a crazy monkey
a crazy monkey
a deckscrubber
a deckscrubber
a demolition crew
a demolition crew
a demolition crew
a disgruntled pirate
a drunken pirate
a drunken pirate
a fighting pirate
a fighting pirate
a fighting sailor
a fighting sailor
a fighting sailor
a fighting sailor
a fighting sailor
a friendly toucan
a friendly toucan
a giant crab
a giant crab
a gunner
a gunner
a gunner
a hermit
a hermit
a lazy pirate
a looting pirate
a looting pirate
a monkey
a monkey
a monkey eating a banana
a pirate carrying a chest
a pirate hunter
a pirate hunter
a pirate hunter
a pirate hunter
a pirate hunter
a pirate repairing some rigging
a pirate repairing some rigging
a pirate sorting the treasure
a pirate stealing some treasure
a pirate with a grappling hook
a pirate with a grappling hook
a pirate with a grappling hook
a pirate with a pistol
a pirate with a pistol
a pirate with a pistol
a poacher
a poacher
a prisoner
a sabre swinging pirate
a sabre swinging pirate
a sabre swinging pirate
a servant
a servant
a sharpshooter
a skeleton
a skeleton
a smoking pirate
a smuggler
a stowaway
a stowaway
a tiger shark
a vulgar parrot
a walking pirate
an angry toucan
an angry toucan
an angry toucan
an escaped prisoner
Captain Blackbeard
Captain Blackbeard
Captain Blackbeard
Captain Pete
First Mate
First Mate
Currently tracking
in this area:
Approaching an island (30281)
On the beach (30282)
On the beach (30283)
On the beach (30284)
A path through the jungle (30285)
On the beach (30286)
On the beach (30287)
On the beach (30288)
The center of a small village (30289)
The Drunken Parrot (30290)
Captain Pete's house (30291)
A large clearing (30292)
On the beach (30293)
On the beach (30294)
In the jungle (30295)
On the beach (30296)
On the beach (30297)
On the beach (30298)
On the beach (30299)
Highest point on the island (30300)
Entrance to a tunnel (30301)
Further along the tunnel (30302)
A dark section of tunnel (30303)
A dead end (30304)
A short distance offshore (30306)
Alongside a ship (30307)
The bow of a ship (30308)
Beside the mast (30309)
Before the Captain's cabin (30310)
In the crow's nest (30311)
Below decks (30312)
Below decks (30313)
On the ocean (30314)
On the ocean (30315)
Alongside a pirate ship (30316)
Bow of a pirate ship (30317)
Under the mast (30318)
At the top of the mast (30319)
By the helm (30320)
Below decks (30321)
Below decks (30322)
At the bow of the ship (30323)
Below the mast (30324)
By the shattered ship's wheel (30325)
At the top of the mast (30326)
Below decks (30327)
Below decks (30328)