Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
The Were Wood
Aardwolf Area: The Were Wood (werewood)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) A vampire bat
(Flying) A werebat
(Flying) A werehawk
(Flying) A wereraven
a raven
a raven
a raven
a raven
a raven
a travelling caravan
a vampire bat
a vampire bat
a vampire bat
a vampire bat
a vampiric werewolf
a vampiric werewolf
a vampiric werewolf
a vampiric werewolf
a were hunter
a were hunter
a werebat
a werebat
a werebat
a werebear
a werebear
a werebear
a wereboar
a wereboar
a wereboar
a weredragon
a werefox
a werefox
a werefox
a werehawk
a werehawk
a werehawk
a werehawk
a werehawk
a werehawk
a weremonkey
a weremonkey
a weremonkey
a weremonkey
a weremonkey
a weremonkey
a weremonkey
a weremonkey
a werepanther
a werepanther
a wererabbit
a wererabbit
a wererat
a wereraven
a weresnake
a weresnake
a weresquirrel
a weresquirrel
a weresquirrel
a weresquirrel
a weretiger
a weretiger
a weretiger
a weretiger
a weretiger
a weretiger
a weretiger
a weretiger
a weretiger
a werewolf
a werewolf
a werewolf
a werewolf
a werewolf
a werewyvern
a werewyvern
a werewyvern
a werewyvern
a wolf
a wolf
a wolf
a wolf
a wolf
a wolf
a wolfwere
a wolfwere
a wolfwere
a wolfwere
a wolfwere
a wolfwere
a wood imp
a wood imp
a wood imp
a wounded townsperson
Rabkni, the Devil Swine
the bog monster
the bog monster
the Miller
the red mist of doom
Currently tracking
in this area:
The Lair of the Weredragon (1203)
On the Edge of a Dark Forest (30955)
Entering the Were Wood (30956)
Standing in a Dark Glade (30957)
In a Bog in the Were Wood (30958)
Deep in the Bog of the Were Wood (30959)
On the Edge of a Bog (30960)
In the Were Wood (30961)
Traveling through the Were Wood (30962)
At the Edge of a Clearing in the Were Wood (30963)
Before an Old Cabin in the Were Wood (30964)
Inside an Old Cabin (30965)
On a Path in the Were Wood (30967)
A Turn in the Path (30968)
Deep in the Were Wood (30969)
Deep in the Were Wood (30970)
A Grove of Dead Oak Trees (30971)
Up in a Dead Oak Tree (30972)
In the Were Wood (30973)
Wandering through the Were Wood (30974)
Deep in the Were Wood (30975)
Wandering through some Brambles (30976)
On a Path in the Were Wood (30977)
Following an Old Path in the Were Wood (30978)
The Path Turns (30979)