Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
The Silver Volcano
Aardwolf Area: The Silver Volcano (volcano)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) A dark dragon
(Flying) A dragon
(Flying) A dragon guard
(Flying) A dragon healer
(Flying) A dragon mage
(Flying) A dragon trainer
(Flying) A dragon trainer
(Flying) A dragon warrior
(Flying) A horned owl
(Flying) A large dragon
(Flying) A seagull
(Flying) An owl
(Flying) Dracos
(Flying) The Balrog
(Flying) The Balrog's Adept
(Flying) The Balrog's Adept
(Flying) The ghost
(Flying) The small dragon
(Flying) The soul of a goat
(Flying) The soul of a horse
(Flying) The soul of Arnfinn
(Flying) The soul of Eila
(Flying) The soul of Hans
(Flying) The soul of Kenth
(Flying) The soul of Meema
(Flying) The soul of Scricha
(Flying) The soul of Sein
a dark dragon
a dark dragon
a dragon
a dragon
a dragon guard
a dragon guard
a dragon guard
a dragon healer
a dragon healer
a dragon mage
a dragon mage
a dragon mage
a dragon shopkeeper
a dragon trainer
a dragon trainer
a dragon trainer
a dragon warrior
a dragon warrior
a dragon warrior
a horned owl
a horned owl
a large dragon
a large dragon
a large vole
a rabbit
a seagull
a small hamster
a small hamster
a small mouse
a small mouse
a squirrel
a squirrel
an owl
an owl
Fartho the Mage
the Balrog
the Balrog
the Balrog
the Balrog's Adept
the Balrog's Adept
the Balrog's Adept
the Balrog's Adept
the ghost
the ghost
the silver guardian
the small dragon
the small dragon
the soul of a goat
the soul of a horse
the soul of a horse
the soul of Arnfinn
the soul of Arnfinn
the soul of Eila
the soul of Eila
the soul of Hans
the soul of Kenth
the soul of Kenth
the soul of Meema
the soul of Scricha
the soul of Sein
the soul of Sein
the soul of Sein
the worm
Currently tracking
in this area:
The Road to Silver Volcano (6087)
A turn in the road (6088)
The trail (6089)
The trail (6090)
Before the bridge (6091)
Outside the Tollhouse (6092)
On the bridge (6093)
The office (6094)
The yard (6095)
Strong room (6096)
The living room (6097)
The Kitchen (6098)
The Stores (6099)
A bedroom (6100)
The Master Bedroom (6101)
The Road (6102)
The Road (6103)
Along the stream (6104)
Along the stream (6105)
Another turn in the road (6106)
On the road (6107)
A road (6108)
A slight bend (6109)
Outside a farm (6110)
Outside the stables (6111)
The stables (6112)
One of the pens (6113)
Tack room (6114)
Hay Loft (6115)
Smith's Room (6116)
On the trail (6118)
On the road (6119)
The end of the road (6120)
The overgrown path (6121)
The split (6122)
A clearing (6123)
A cavern (6124)
On the trail (6125)
The forest road (6126)
The dense forest (6127)
The Silver Cave (6128)
A tunnel in the Mountain (6129)
The tunnel (6130)
The tunnel (6131)
A turn in the tunnel (6132)
The Entrance to the Silver Volcano (6133)
At the top of the Volcano (6134)
The tunnel (6137)
The Pit (6138)
On the side of the Volcano (6139)
On the Volcano side (6140)
The base of the volcano (6141)
The Dense Forest (6142)
On the trail (6143)
The Beginning of the Path (6144)
Outside the Cave (6145)
Entrance to the Cave (6146)
Inside the cave (6147)
A fork in the cave (6148)
Deep Cave (6149)
Deep cave (6150)
Deep Cave (6151)
Sleeping Chamber (6152)
The Guard Room (6153)
Worship Chamber (6154)
Treasure Room (6155)
Practice Room (6156)
Mage's Center (6157)
Training Room (6158)
Challenge Chamber (6159)
Dracos' Chamber (6160)
Dragon Cave General Store (6161)