Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
The Empire of Talsa
Aardwolf Area: The Empire of Talsa (talsa)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) A chicken
(Flying) A cook
(Flying) Magnar Narsus
a bodyguard
a bored guard
a bull
a cargo worker
a chicken
a cook
a cow
a dark worshipper
a dark worshipper
a dwarven mercenary
a farmer
a local drunk
a middle-aged man
a middle-aged man
a mistress
a mistress
a monk of the Dark God
a monk of the Dark God
a new recruit
a pretty woman
a pretty woman
a priest of the Dark God
a priest trying to summon a demon
a priest trying to summon a demon
a sacrificing priest
a sacrificing priest
a scribe
a scribe
a seasoned pilot
a seasoned pilot
a servant
a servant
a servant
a soul of an adult
a soul of an adult
a soul of an old man
a soul of an old man
a soul of an old woman
a soul of an old woman
a soul of an old woman
a training footsoldier
a training footsoldier
a training soldier
a young man
a young man
a young man
Alden, God of Light
Algerion Goldraider
Algerion Goldraider
an archer
an army officer
an engineer
an ex-prisoner
Cainsden Dalio
Cainsden Dalio
Commander Scardale
Commander Scardale
Humphry Ashrum
Humphry Ashrum
Klya Tarkin
Klya Tarkin
Magnar Narsus
Maldenar, God of Darkness
Marian Baden
Marian Baden
Ragnar Aldenbar
Ragnar Aldenbar
Sarah Lonestar
Sarah Narsus
Sarah Narsus
the artist
the artist
the artist
the Captain's pet monkey
the Cook's Assistant
the Freelance Knight
the Freelance Knight
the maid
the rebel soldier
the shaman of the Dark God
the shaman of the Dark God
the soul of a child
the soul of a child
the Sylvain Project
the Travelling Merchant
Torlad Stormbringer
Torlad Stormbringer
Valdar Consgrow
Valdar Consgrow
Zorkrand, the demon
Zorkrand, the demon
Zorkrand, the demon
Currently tracking
in this area:
Open Field (26917)
Bottom Cargo Hold of the Airship (26918)
Stairwell (26919)
Hallway (26920)
End of Hallway (26921)
Sleeping Quarters (26922)
Sleeping Quarters (26923)
Armory (26924)
Mess Hall (26925)
Mess Hall (26926)
Kitchen (26927)
Beginning of the Stairwell (26928)
Port Side of Airship (26929)
Starboard Side of Airship (26930)
Port Side of Airship (26931)
Middle of the Airship (26932)
Starboard Side of Airship (26933)
Port Side of Airship (26934)
Middle of the Airship (26935)
Starboard Side of Airship (26936)
Port Side of Airship (26937)
Before the Bow (26938)
Starboard Side of Airship (26939)
In front of The Bowsprit (26940)
Officer's Quarters (26941)
Port Deck (26942)
Starboard Deck (26943)
Wide Field (26944)
Grassy Field (26945)
Pasture (26946)
Grassy Field (26947)
Field (26948)
Heading Towards the Palace (26949)
Entrance to Palace (26950)
Palace Intersection (26951)
Palace Hallway (26952)
Palace Corner (26953)
West Hallway (26954)
Northwest Palace Corner (26955)
North Hallway (26956)
North Hallway (26957)
North Hallway (26958)
Northeast Palace Corner (26959)
East Hall (26960)
Southeast Palace Corner (26961)
Palace Hall (26962)
Before the Stairs (26963)
On top of the stairs (26964)
Beginning of the long hall (26965)
Near the end of the hall (26966)
Before the Council Chamber (26967)
Council chamber (26968)
Field Outside The House of The Rising Sun (26969)
Waiting Room (26970)
Hallway in The House of The Rising Sun (26971)
Turn in Hallway (26972)
Bar Room (26973)
Bedroom (26974)
Room (26975)
Sleeping Quarters (26976)
Entrance to Maldenar's Temple (26977)
Before the Altar of Maldenar (26978)
Western Church Hall (26979)
Church Hall (26980)
Backroom (26981)
Back of the Church (26982)
Eastern Church Hall (26983)
Eastern Side of The Church (26984)
Bishop's Alcove (26985)
Bell Tower (26986)
Inside the Rebel Fortress (26987)
Cramped Intersection (26988)
Rebel Hallway (26989)
Bare Hallway (26990)
Clean Hallway (26991)
Rebel Fortress (26992)
Staircase (26993)
Staircase to Leader's Quarters (26994)
Leader's Quarters (26995)
Leader's Quarters (26996)
Inside Toran Ruins (26997)
End of Hall (26998)
Chamber of Spring (26999)
Chamber of Shields (27000)
Chamber of Magic (27001)
Chamber of Kings (27002)
Into the Cosmic Field (27003)
Chamber of Alden and Maldenar (27004)
Chamber of Darkness (27005)