Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
Takeda's Warcamp
Aardwolf Area: Takeda's Warcamp (takeda)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) An Iga clan assassin
(Flying) An Iga clan initiate
(Flying) The servant
a cavalry member
a fierce stallion
a fierce stallion
a footman
a footman
a footman
a haughty samurai
a haughty samurai
a haughty samurai
a haughty samurai
a haughty samurai
a hungry soldier
a lancer
a lancer
a mounted rider
a mounted rider
a mounted rider
a mounted rider
a perimeter scout
a perimeter scout
a perimeter scout
a proud archer
a proud archer
a proud archer
a sentry
a small, slender krait
an advisor
an advisor
an advisor
an Iga clan assassin
an Iga clan elder
an Iga clan initiate
an Iga clan tracker
Iori Kazama
Katsuyori Takeda
Kenshin Kazama
Lord Takeda
Sane Ito
Sane Ito
Sane Ito
Sane Ito
Sane Ito
Tadashi Tokai
Tadashi Tokai
Tadashi Tokai
Tadashi Tokai
the burly smith
the cook's assistant
the General
the head cook
the mongrel
the rifleman
the rifleman
the servant
the servant
the servant
the servant
the servant
the servant
the servant
the stable boy
Currently tracking
in this area:
On The Outskirts Of A Warcamp (15929)
Under a Wooden Gate (15930)
On The Outskirts Of A Warcamp (15931)
On The Outskirts Of A Warcamp (15932)
Amidst A Warcamp (15933)
Amidst A Warcamp (15934)
By The Forge (15935)
The Pantry (15936)
On The Outskirts Of A Warcamp (15937)
Amidst A Warcamp (15938)
The Smouldering Campfire (15939)
Before the Daimyo's Tent (15940)
The Forge (15941)
Before the Mess Tents (15942)
The Kitchen (15943)
On The Outskirts Of A Warcamp (15944)
By the Stables (15945)
The Stables (15946)
The Archery Range (15947)
In The Mess Tent (15948)
An Open Field Of Grass (15949)
An Open Field Of Grass (15950)
An Open Field Of Grass (15951)
On The Outskirts Of A Warcamp (15952)
A Pit of Antlers (15953)
In the Daimyo's Tent (15954)
In The Daimyo's Tent (15955)
A Map Room (15956)
Takeda's Chamber (15957)
Through The Hidden Valley (15965)
A Broken Trail Through The Woods (15967)
A Broken Trail Through The Woods (15968)
An Odd Clearing (15969)