Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
Siren's Oasis Resort
Aardwolf Area: Siren's Oasis Resort (sirens)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) A group of sprites
(Flying) A half-griffon judge
(Flying) A vampire judge
(Flying) Miss House of Cards
(Flying) Miss Kul Tiras
(Flying) Miss Temple of Shal'indrael
(Flying) Miss Tournament Camps
a busy cleaner
a busy cleaner
a dwarf judge
a granny in a bikini
a group of sprites
a group of sprites
a grumbling human
a half-griffon judge
a half-griffon judge
a lady in a bikini
a lady in a bikini
a lady in a bikini
a lady in a bikini
a lighting magician
a lost visitor
a mysterious hooded man
a passenger
a restless quickling kid
a vampire judge
a vampire judge
a wolfen judge
Miss Anthrox
Miss Dark Elf Stronghold
Miss Darkside of Fractured Lands
Miss Dungeon of Doom
Miss House of Cards
Miss House of Cards
Miss Jungle of Verume
Miss Keep of Kearvek
Miss Kobaloi
Miss Kul Tiras
Miss Kul Tiras
Miss Labyrinth
Miss Lower Planes
Miss Peaceful Giant Village
Miss Sen'narre Lake
Miss Temple of Shal'indrael
Miss Tournament Camps
Miss Tournament of Illoria
the beauty advisor
the fashion consultant
the Host of the Show
the hotel manager
the trishaw man
Currently tracking
in this area:
Center Stage (16273)
Right Wing of Stage (16274)
Left Wing of Stage (16275)
Stairs Leading Down the Stage (16276)
Messy Backstage (16277)
Messy Backstage (16278)
Messy Backstage (16279)
Front Row Judge Seats (16280)
Front Row Judge Seats (16281)
Central Pathway (16282)
Central Pathway (16283)
Central Pathway (16284)
A-Row Seats 11-20 (16285)
A-Row Seats 1-10 (16286)
A-Row Seats 21-30 (16287)
A-Row Seats 31-40 (16288)
B-Row Seats 11-20 (16289)
B-Row Seats 1-10 (16290)
B-Row Seats 21-30 (16291)
B-Row Seats 31-40 (16292)
Preparation Room (16293)
Make-up Room (16294)
Dress-up Room (16295)
Grand Hall Entrance (16296)
Road Leading to the Grand Hall (16297)
Crossroads (16298)
Resort Entrance (16299)
Beside the Beachway Hotel (16300)
Golden Sands (16301)
Golden Sands (16302)
Golden Sands (16303)
Golden Sands (16304)
Golden Sands (16305)
Golden Sands (16306)
Hotel Ground Level (16307)
Hotel 2nd Floor (16308)
Hotel 3rd Floor (16309)
Second Story Seats (16310)
Secret Storeroom (16311)
A Suite Facing the Beach (16312)
Hotel Manager's Office (16313)
Road Leading to Beach (16314)
West Edge of Stage (16315)
East Edge of Stage (16316)
Third Story Seats (16317)
VIP Seats (16318)
Second Story Seats (16319)
Second Story Seats (16320)
Third Story Seats (16321)
Lost in Golden Sands (16322)