Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
The Temple of Shouggoth
Aardwolf Area: The Temple of Shouggoth (shouggoth)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) A confused acolyte
(Flying) A creature of decay
(Flying) A dying worshipper
(Flying) A huge nightmarish creature
(Flying) A wailing spirit
(Flying) An ethereal spirit
(Flying) An ethereal spirit
(Flying) An ethereal spirit
(Flying) Some sticky cobwebs
(Flying) Some sticky cobwebs
(Flying) Some sticky cobwebs
(Flying) The shifting shadows
a confused acolyte
a confused acolyte
a crawly creepy
a creature of decay
a creature of decay
a creature of decay
a creature of ruin
a creepy crawly
a dark shadow with blazing eyes
a dark shadow with blazing eyes
a dark shadow with blazing eyes
a decaying scribe
a decaying scribe
a depressed zombie acolyte
a deranged zombie acolyte
a dying worshipper
a dying worshipper
a hideously hairy spider
a hideously hairy spider
a hideously hairy spider
a hideously hairy spider
a hideously hairy spider
a huge nightmarish creature
a huge nightmarish creature
a large, hideous statue
a living priest
a living priest
a living worshipper
a living worshipper
a living worshipper
a mummified corpse
a mummified corpse
a mummified corpse
a nasty scorpion
a pool of green slime
a priest of Shouggoth
a puddle of purple slime
a puddle of purple slime
a raggedy priest
a sewer rat
a sewer rat
a skeletal warrior
a skeletal warrior
a small desert mouse
a small desert mouse
a strange creature
a truly vile beast
a truly vile beast
a vicious spitting cobra
a vicious spitting cobra
a wailing spirit
a wailing spirit
a wailing spirit
a wailing spirit
a withered old alchemist
a zombie priest
Alish the storekeeper
an ethereal spirit
an ethereal spirit
an ethereal spirit
an ethereal wraith
an obsidian statue
Some sticky cobwebs
Some sticky cobwebs
Some sticky cobwebs
Some sticky cobwebs
Some sticky cobwebs
the High Priest
the huge Yggdrasil
the sewer snake
the shifting shadows
the shifting shadows
Currently tracking
in this area:
Entrance (34086)
The hot desert sands (34087)
A long corridor (34088)
A long corridor (34089)
A Four Way Intersection (34090)
Small Alcove (34091)
A Small Alcove (34092)
Hidden Room (34093)
Stairway Landing (34094)
Spiral Stairway (34095)
The Landing (34096)
Chamber Entrance (34097)
Northwest Corner (34098)
Southwest Corner (34099)
Southern end of the Hall (34100)
Southeast Corner (34101)
Northeast Corner (34102)
Lower Stairway (34103)
Lower Landing (34104)
Narrow Corridor (34105)
Intersection (34106)
Dead-End Corridor (34107)
Burial Crypt (34108)
Burial Crypt (34109)
Gloomy Corridor (34110)
Gloomy Corridor (34111)
Gloomy Corridor (34112)
Acolyte's Quarters (34113)
Acolyte's Quarters (34114)
Gloomy Corridor (34115)
Acolyte's Quarters (34116)
Acolyte's Quarters (34117)
Gloomy Corridor (34118)
Alchemist's Room (34119)
Dusty Storeroom (34120)
The Interdimensional Store (34121)
Gloomy Dead-End (34122)
Small Privy (34123)
Inside the Privy (34124)
Small Tunnel (34125)
Water-filled Cavern (34126)
Lair of the Yggdrasil (34127)
The Common Room (34128)
Common Room (34129)
Damp Corridor (34130)
Damp Corridor (34131)
Priests' Common Room (34132)
Dank Corridor (34133)
Dank Corridor (34134)
Priest's Quarters (34135)
Priests' Common Room (34136)
Large Privy (34137)
Sewer Hole (34138)
Priest's Quarters (34139)
Priest's Quarters (34140)
Turn in the Corridor (34141)
Dusty Study (34142)
Room of the High Priest of Yuggoth (34143)
Spooky Corridor (34144)
Head of the Stairs (34145)
Stairway (34146)
Whispering Corridor (34147)
Whispering Corridor (34148)
Head of the Stairs (34149)
Hall of the Dead (34150)
The Hall of the Dead (34151)
The Hall of the Dead (34152)
Spiral Stairs (34153)
Spiral Stairs (34154)
Narrow Tunnel (34155)
Narrow Tunnel (34156)
Bottom of the Stairs (34157)
Cavern of Summoning (34158)
Cavern of Summoning (34159)
Cavern of Summoning (34160)
Cavern of Summoning (34161)
Cavern of Summoning (34162)
Cavern of Summoning (34163)
Cavern of Summoning (34164)
Cavern of Summoning (34165)
Inside the Pentagram! (34166)