Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
Rebellion of the Nix
Aardwolf Area: Rebellion of the Nix (rebellion)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) A bound demon
(Flying) Anang Deas
(Flying) Arda Embath
(Flying) Ashenga
(Flying) Caba Mehl
(Flying) Cervese the White
(Flying) Cleaton Agosti
(Flying) Llodi Vin
(Flying) Nixie devilment
(Flying) Nixie devilment
(Flying) Nixie devilment
(Flying) Omoy Isaac
(Flying) Seeligh the Mongrel
(Flying) Suljina the Nix
(Flying) Tamkale Dyban
(Flying) The energy storm
(Flying) The wall of Nixie devilment
(Flying) Therana the Wise
(Flying) Tonun Biwar
(Flying) Walkes Hartrandt
a border guard
a bound demon
a castle guard
a castle guard
a drowned sailor
a gigantic wyvern
a gigantic wyvern
a halfling slave
a human slave
a human trader
a human trader
a Kim'mel demon
a Kim'mel demon
a large rat
a mad warrior-priest
a metalsmith
a Molyneuxan citizen
a Molyneuxan citizen
a Molyneuxan citizen
a Molyneuxan citizen
a Molyneuxan guard
a Molyneuxan soldier
a Molyneuxan soldier
a Molyneuxan woman
a prison guard
a taverngoer
a taverngoer
a taverngoer
a twisted creature
an elder tree
an ex-slave
an ex-slave
an Old Tree
Anang Deas
Anang Deas
Arda Embath
Caba Mehl
Caba Mehl
Cervese the White
Cervese the White
Cleaton Agosti
Cleaton Agosti
Heth the Undecided
Llodi Vin
Nita Privo
Nixie devilment
Nixie devilment
Nixie devilment
Nixie devilment
Nixie devilment
Omoy Isaac
Omoy Isaac
Seeligh the Mongrel
Suljina the Nix
Suljina the Nix
Tamkale Dyban
the Captain
the Captain
the craftswoman
the energy storm
the guard captain
the guard captain
the Old Adventurer
the Torturer
the wall of Nixie devilment
the wall of Nixie devilment
the Wyvern Master
Therana the Wise
Therana the Wise
Tonun Biwar
Walkes Hartrandt
Walkes Hartrandt
Walkes Hartrandt
Currently tracking
in this area:
On a Well-Lit Pier (10305)
The Tavern of the Chequered Owl (10306)
Back of the Tavern (10307)
The End of the Pier (10308)
Before the Gates of Rhodus (10309)
Reimers Avenue by the City Gates (10310)
Reimers Avenue (10311)
Reimers Avenue (10312)
Orduna Plaza (10313)
Loredo Avenue (10314)
Loredo Avenue (10315)
Loredo Avenue (10316)
The Abandoned Edge of Loredo Avenue (10317)
At the City Walls (10318)
A Granary (10319)
The Visitors' Hostel (10320)
The Metalsmith's Shop (10321)
A Closed-Down Shop (10322)
A Molyneuxan Home (10323)
The Wyvern Guild (10324)
A Craftsman's Home (10325)
A Dirty Alley (10326)
An Abandoned Home (10327)
A Beautiful Garden (10328)
Under a Churning Sky (10329)
Waves of Nixie Devilment (10330)
On the Ocean? (10331)
On the Ocean? (10332)
On the Ocean? (10333)
On One of the Nixie Ships (10334)
On One of the Nixie Ships (10335)
The Helm of a Nixie Ship (10336)
On One of the Nixie Ships (10337)
On One of the Nixie Ships (10338)
The Helm of a Nixie Ship (10339)
On One of the Nixie Ships (10340)
On One of the Nixie Ships (10341)
At the Helm of a Nixie Ship (10342)
On the Flagship's Upper Deck (10343)
Beneath the Banner of the Rebellion (10344)
On the Ocean? (10345)
Following a Small Stream (10346)
Before a Great Barrow (10347)
Xavier's Prison (10348)
The Ruins of Turadar (10349)
Amid the Nixie Rebels (10350)
Amid the Nixie Rebels (10351)
Atop the Wyvern Guildhall (10352)
A Converted Sewer (10353)
Sewer Hideaway (10354)
Prison (10355)
Torture Chamber (10356)
@wA Hill Untouched by the Battle (10358)
The Battlegrounds of the Nix (10359)
The Battlegrounds of the Nix (10360)
The Battlegrounds of the Nix (10361)
Amid the Nixie Rebels (10362)
The Battlegrounds of the Nix (10364)
A Swirling Vortex of Energy (10365)
The Shore of a Rocky Island (10366)
The Bottom of a Giant Staircase (10367)
Climbing a Giant Staircase (10368)
Climbing a Giant Staircase (10369)
The Top of the Mountain (10370)
Before the Giant Castle (10371)
Heth's Castle (10372)
The Parapet of Heth's Castle (10373)
An Outcropping of Crystalline Boulders (10374)
Guard Post at the Bottom of a Tower (10375)
The Watchtower of Rhodus (10376)
A Lavish Molyneuxan Home (10377)
Nowhere. Everywhere. (10378)
The Eye of the Storm (10379)