Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
Aardwolf Area: Raganatittu (raga)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) A brown bat
(Flying) A bustard
(Flying) A cinereous vulture
(Flying) A drab peahen
(Flying) A drongo
(Flying) A jungle fowl
(Flying) A jungle fowl
(Flying) A majestic peacock
(Flying) A slender woman
(Flying) A small goshawk
(Flying) A small, shy girl
(Flying) An ancient fakir
(Flying) An eagle
a barasingha
a barasingha
a barasingha
a barasingha
a bengal tiger
a bharal
a brahman cow
a brahman cow
a brahman cow
a brahman cow
a brown bat
a bustard
a bustard
a centipede
a chital
a chital
a chital
a chital
a cinereous vulture
a cinereous vulture
a dhole
a dhole
a dhole
a drab peahen
a drab peahen
a drab peahen
a drab peahen
a drongo
a drongo
a drongo
a drongo
a gharial
a golden langur
a hanuman langur
a hanuman langur
a hoolock gibbon
a hoolock gibbon
a huge rhinoceros
a jungle fowl
a jungle fowl
a jungle fowl
a kakkar
a kakkar
a kakkar
a kakkar
a krait
a leopard
a mahasher
a majestic peacock
a majestic peacock
a majestic peacock
a majestic peacock
a malee
a malee
a mosquito
a mosquito
a panther
a sleek mongoose
a sleek mongoose
a slender woman
a slender woman
a slithering cobra
a slithering cobra
a sloth bear
a small boy
a small boy
a small chameleon
a small cub
a small fish
a small fish
a small goshawk
a small goshawk
a small goshawk
a small, shy girl
a small, shy girl
a small, shy girl
a spotted hyena
a strong man
a strong man
a susu
a thick python
an ancient fakir
an ancient fakir
an ancient fakir
an eagle
an eagle
an elephant
an orchid
an orchid
an orchid
an orchid
Riki Tiki Tavi
Riki Tiki Tavi
Riki Tiki Tavi
Shri Ganesha
Currently tracking
in this area:
On the murky river (19861)
On the murky river (19862)
On the murky river (19863)
Under an old bridge (19864)
At the waterfall (19865)
On a jungle path (19866)
On a jungle path (19867)
On a jungle path (19868)
On a jungle path (19869)
On an old bridge (19870)
On a jungle path (19871)
A path through the fields (19872)
In a Field (19873)
In a Field (19874)
A path through the fields (19875)
In a small shrine (19876)
A path through the village (19877)
In a Simple Hut (19878)
In a Simple Hut (19879)
In a Simple Hut (19880)
A path through the village (19881)
In a Simple Hut (19882)
On a jungle path (19883)
On a Jungle Path (19884)
Lost in the deep jungle (19885)
Lost in the deep jungle (19886)
Lost in the deep jungle (19887)
Up a tree (19888)
Lost in the deep jungle (19889)
Lost in the deep jungle (19890)
Lost in the Deep Jungle (19891)
On a jungle path (19892)
In the foothills (19893)
In the foothills (19894)
At a cave entrance (19895)
In a Cave (19896)
Deep in a Cave (19897)
Deep in a Cave (19898)
Deep in a Cave (19899)
Deep in a Cave (19900)
Climbing the Mountains (19901)
On a Mountain Ridge (19902)
Fallen into a Cobra Pit! (19903)
On a Mountain Ridge (19904)
At the Peak (19905)
In a Snow Leopard Den (19906)
On a Mountain Ridge (19907)
Climbing the Mountains (19908)
In the Foothills (19909)
In the Foothills (19910)