Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
The Witches of Omen Tor
Aardwolf Area: The Witches of Omen Tor (omentor)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) A dark spirit
(Flying) Aethelfryth
(Flying) Cuthwulf Swyth
(Flying) Cwenraed Sous-Swyth
(Flying) Elvina Gyth
a Bog Monster
a bog rat
a bog rat
a citadel guard
a citadel war horse
a dark spirit
a dark spirit
a dark spirit
a farmer
a farmer
a Fled peasant
a guard of the Burh
a guard of the Burh
a Gythi peasant
a moat attendant
a moat attendant
a pack of wild boar
a pack of wild boar
a pack of wild boar
a Raider from the Burh
a returning spy
a returning spy
a servant of Fled
a servant of Fled
a servant of Fled
a servant of Fled
a servant of Fryth
a servant of Fryth
a servant of Fryth
a servant of Fryth
a Swythian knight
a Swythian spy
a Swythian spy
a young page of the citadel
an Athri bog warrior
an Athri child
an Athri child
an Athri child
an Athri child
an elite Swythian guard
an imprisoned Swythian spy
Cadence Fled
Cadmon Gyth
Calhoun Swyth
Calhoun Swyth
Calhoun Swyth
Cene Fryth
Cenwig Gyth
Chogo, the Shopkeeper
Colbourne Fryth
Creoda of the Burh
Cuthwulf Swyth
Cwenhild Swyth
Cwenraed Sous-Swyth
Cylfearth Fled
Eldred the Wise
Elfgar Sous-Fled
Elfrida, the governess
Elvina Gyth
Elvina Gyth
Elvina Gyth
Helewis the Housekeeper
Kinsey Sous-Fled
Kinsey Sous-Fled
the Athri Chieftain
the FireStorm Phoenix
the high swythian guard
the Raven of the Burh
the Raven of the Burh
the spirit of Aethel
Currently tracking
in this area:
Entrance to the Fortress Aethelburh (15578)
The Entrance Hallway (15579)
Hallway (15580)
Hallway (15581)
Hallway (15582)
Hallway (15583)
Aethelgyth's Chambers (15584)
Cadmon's Chambers (15585)
Training Room (15586)
A Guest Room (15587)
Cenwig's Bedchambers (15588)
Below the Fortress (15589)
Barracks (15590)
The Dock at the Moat (15591)
The Road to Aethelfled's Palace (15592)
Omen Tor Home (15593)
Omen Tor Home (15594)
The Dock at the Moat (15595)
The Dock at the Palace of Aethelfled (15596)
The Palace of Aethelfled (15597)
A Hallway in the Palace (15598)
A Hallway in the Palace (15599)
A Hallway in the Palace (15600)
A Hallway in the Palace (15601)
Guest Room (15602)
Elvina's Chambers (15603)
Guest Room (15604)
The Classroom (15605)
A Hallway in the Palace (15606)
A Hallway in the Palace (15607)
A Hallway in the Palace (15608)
The Dining Room (15609)
Aethelfled's Chambers (15611)
The Conservatory (15612)
The Great Staircase (15613)
The Foyer (15614)
The Foyer (15615)
Outside the walls of the Palace (15616)
A Misty Bog (15617)
The Dungeon Stairwell (15618)
The Dungeon (15619)
A Cell (15620)
A Misty Bog (15621)
A Misty Bog (15622)
A Misty Bog (15623)
A Misty Bog (15624)
A Misty Bog (15625)
A Misty Bog (15626)
A Misty Bog (15627)
A Misty Bog (15628)
A Misty Bog (15629)
A Misty Bog (15630)
The Caverns of Aethelfryth (15631)
The Caverns of Aethelfryth (15632)
Council Chamber (15633)
Misty Bog (15634)
A Misty Bog (15635)
Towards the Warding Room (15636)
The Halls of the Caverns (15637)
Halls of Aethelfryth (15638)
Halls of Aethelfryth (15639)
The Mezzanine overlooking the Council Chamber (15640)
Misty Bog (15641)
Nearing a Stone Wall (15642)
The Citadel (15643)
Before the Citadel of Aethelswyth (15644)
The Citadel Courtyard (15645)
The Citadel Courtyard (15646)
The Citadel Courtyard (15647)
The Citadel Courtyard (15648)
The Citadel Courtyard (15649)
The Citadel Courtyard (15650)
The Tower of the Citadel (15651)
Within the Tower (15652)
Cuthwulf's Quarters (15653)
Cuthwulf's War Room (15654)
Along the Battlements (15656)
Along the Battlements (15657)
The Entrance to the Citadel (15658)
Inside the Citadel (15659)
A Hallway in the Citadel (15660)
Behind some Bushes (15662)
A Hallway in the Citadel (15663)
A Private Chamber (15664)
A Private Chamber (15665)
A Hallway in the Citadel (15666)
A Private Chamber (15667)
A Private Chamber (15668)
Aethelswyth's Chamber of Stars (15669)
The Warding Room of Aethelfryth (15670)
The Citadel Shop (15671)
A Sink Hole (15672)
A Sink Hole (15674)