Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
Plains of Nulan'Boar
Aardwolf Area: Plains of Nulan'Boar (nulan)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) A butterfly
(Flying) A dull robin
(Flying) A female horned owl
(Flying) A horse fly
(Flying) A hunting horned owl
(Flying) A large crow
(Flying) A male sharp-tailed grouse
(Flying) A moth
(Flying) A solitary eagle
(Flying) A swarm of gnats
(Flying) A swarm of mosquitoes
(Flying) A vulture
(Flying) An eagle
a black wolf
a booted eagle
a booted eagle
a breeding stallion
a brown deer mouse
a butterfly
a butterfly
a butterfly
a butterfly
a caterpillar
a colorful robin
a copperhead snake
a cottonmouth
a cottontail rabbit
a crazy old witch
a cricket
a dull robin
a dull robin
a fawn
a female alpha wolf
a female horned owl
a female sharp-tailed grouse
a female sharp-tailed grouse
a field mouse
a finch
a finch
a fox
a fox pup
a graceful doe
a grass snake
a grey wolf
a grumpy badger
a horse fly
a horse fly
a hungry prairie dog
a hunting horned owl
a jackrabbit
a large crow
a large crow
a lonely horned owl
a longhorn bull
a longhorn calf
a magnificent buck
a male alpha wolf
a male horned owl
a male sharp-tailed grouse
a male sharp-tailed grouse
a moth
a nomad's horse
a Nulan'Boar baby
a Nulan'Boar boy
a Nulan'Boar gatherer
a Nulan'Boar girl
a Nulan'Boar hunter
a Nulan'Boar mother
a Nulan'Boar mother
a Nulan'Boar mother
a Nulan'Boar mother
a Nulan'Boar priestess
a Nulan'Boar priestess
a Nulan'Boar tribesman
a playful prairie dog
a playful prairie dog puppy
a prairie dog
a prairie dog puppy
a pure white wolf
a rampaging orc
a shy deer mouse
a small black spider
a small goblin
a small green frog
a small green frog
a snarling kobold
a snarling kobold
a solitary eagle
a spotted grey wolf
a sunfish
a swarm of fleas
a swarm of gnats
a swarm of gnats
a swarm of mosquitoes
a swarm of mosquitoes
a swarm of mosquitoes
a tadpole
a timid deer mouse
a vixen fox
a vulture
a wild cow
a wild mare
a wolf pup
a young foal
an adorable deer mouse
an alert prairie dog
an angry deer mouse
an eagle
an eating finch
an eating finch
an old hermit
an orc scout
the Nulan'Boar Chieftain
the Nulan'Boar High Priestess
the Nulan'Boar master hunter
Currently tracking
in this area:
On the green prairie (36507)
Well cropped grassland (36508)
In soft grass (36509)
A shady spot in the plains (36510)
Gazing over a Wide Grassland (37900)
Out on the plains (37901)
Out on the plains (37902)
In tall grass (37903)
In tall grass (37904)
Muddy ground (37905)
Plains near a river (37906)
Muddy grassland (37907)
Beside a wide river (37908)
Muddy spot on the river bank (37909)
Thick vegetation on the river bank (37910)
A sandy spot on the river bank (37911)
Along the river bank (37912)
On the river bank near the foothills (37913)
Entering the low foothills (37914)
In tall grass (37915)
A slight rise (37916)
A rocky path in the foothills (37917)
On the green prairie (37918)
Path through the prairie (37919)
Out on the plains (37920)
Near a stream (37921)
The stream in the grasslands (37922)
A path in the low foothills (37923)
A path in the foothills (37924)
Out on the plains (37925)
Out on the plains (37926)
Walking through well cropped grass (37927)
A cool stream in the plains (37928)
A crystal clear stream in the plains (37929)
A gentle rise (37930)
Steep foothills (37931)
On the prairie (37932)
On the rolling grasslands (37933)
Well cropped grass (37934)
In well cropped grass (37935)
A shady spot in the plains (37936)
A cool stream in the plains (37937)
Muddy ground on the plains (37938)
Near the foothills (37939)
In the western foothills (37940)
Out on the plains (37941)
Well cropped grass (37942)
A shady spot on the plains (37943)
Near a grove of ancient trees (37944)
A shady spot on the stream (37945)
In tall grass (37946)
Out on the prairie (37947)
A rocky spot in the plains (37948)
On a treacherous slope in the foothills (37949)
A trampled area (37954)
In tall grass on the plains (37955)
Near the foothills (37956)
In the low foothills (37957)
A turn in the foothills (37958)
In tall grass (37959)
Out on the plains (37960)
In soft grass (37961)
In well cropped grass (37962)
In tall grass on the plains (37963)
Near the winding foothills (37964)
Along the winding foothills (37965)
A bend in the foothills (37966)
In tall grass (37967)
Out on the plains (37968)
In tall grass (37969)
Next to a babbling brook (37970)
A small brook in the foothills (37971)
Muddy ground in the foothills (37972)
Shaded grassland near a large forest (37973)
In a field of flowers on the edge of a large forest (37974)
In tall grass near the eaves of a large forest (37975)
A sparkling brook in the plains (37976)
Foothills ending at a steep cliff (37977)
Just into the dark forest (37978)
On the edges of the large forest (37979)
Near a path in the dark forest (37980)
Along the sparkling brook (37981)
A dark cave (37982)
Inside a hidden clearing (37983)
A small sparkling lake (37984)
A small sparkling lake (37985)
A path alongside the lake (37986)
Path through the scattered tents (37987)
A small pasture by the lake (37988)
A small pasture by the lake (37989)
A paddock on the lake shore (37990)
A small grassy paddock (37991)
A path through the tents of the Nulan'Boar (37992)
A large cook fire (37993)
Middle of the Nulan'Boar camp (37994)
Before the large tent (37995)
Inside the tent of the Nulan'Boar chieftain (37996)
Chamber of the Nulan'Boar high priestess (37997)
The hut of the Nulan'Boar hunter (38000)