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Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
Keep of the Kobaloi
Aardwolf Area: Keep of the Kobaloi (kobaloi)
Currently tracking
in this area:
a bat
a citizen of the keep
a dark elf
a duergar thief
a dwarf thief
a dwarf thief
a dwarf thief
a fishing pond keeper
a giant freshwater stingray
a halfling thief
a Kobaloi dog
a Kobalos adolescent
a Kobalos child
a Kobalos child
a Kobalos father
a Kobalos mother
a Kobalos noble
a Kobalos palace guard
a Kobalos palace keeper
a Kobalos peace keeper
a Kobalos pond keeper
a Kobalos resident
a large pond fish
a lesser relative of the king
a medium pond fish
a mountain goat
a peace keeper
a peace keeper
a peace keeper trainee
a pond keeper
a purple pond fish
a singing temple keeper
a singing temple keeper
a singing temple keeper
a small pond fish
a temple keeper
a temple keeper
a temple keeper
a temple keeper
a temple keeper
a temple keeper
a tired pond keeper
a wolfen thief
an adept temple keeper
an adept temple keeper
an adept temple keeper
an elder temple keeper
an idol of the Kobaloi
an old Kobalos
Gelsall Flourpunder
King Farch Tronesetter
Palgern Cavedwoller
Pedantus Lecter
Prince Tronesetter
the captain of the peace keepers
the security officer of the ponds
the tackle shop supervisor
the tackle shop supervisor
Trudes Tronesetter, Queen of the Kobaloi
Currently tracking
in this area:
A Path at the Foot of a Mountain (10688)
A Path at the Foot of a Mountain (10689)
A Path at the Foot of a Mountain (10690)
A Path at the Foot of a Mountain (10691)
On a Mountain Ledge (10692)
A Mountain Ledge (10693)
A Cramped Cave (10694)
A Rock Fall (10695)
Before a Stone Gate (10696)
Mountain Trail (10697)
The Southwest Mountain Trail (10698)
Kobaloi Residence (10699)
Along the West Face (10700)
Along the West Face (10701)
Flourpunder's Bakery (10702)
Along the West Face (10703)
Kobaloi Residence (10704)
Before A Cave Entrance (10705)
End of the Mountain Trail (10706)
The Kobaloi School (10707)
Within the Mountain (10708)
Kobaloi Residence (10709)
Within the Mountain (10710)
Priest's Private Chambers (10711)
Deep Inside the Keep (10712)
Choir Stalls (10713)
An Alcove (10714)
Along the East Face (10715)
Before a Gated Cavern (10716)
Along the East Face (10717)
Along the East Face (10718)
The Southeast Mountain Trail (10719)
Mountain Trail (10720)
Within the Keep (10721)
The Keepers of the Peace (10722)
The Mess Hall (10723)
The Dormitory of the Peace Keepers (10724)
Deep Inside the Keep (10725)
Kobaloi Supply Depot (10726)
Stagh's Fish Stand (10727)
Deep Inside the Keep (10728)
Before the Palace of the Kobaloi (10729)
The Guard Post (10730)
The Guard Post (10731)
Entrance to the Palace (10732)
The Palace of the Kobaloi (10733)
The Palace of the Kobaloi (10734)
The Grand Dining Hall (10735)
The Grand Dining Hall (10736)
The Grand Dining Hall (10737)
The Palace of the Kobaloi (10738)
The Thrones of the Kobaloi (10739)
A Vestibule Behind the Throneroom (10740)
Royal Hallway (10741)
Royal Hallway (10742)
Royal Hallway (10743)
Royal Residence (10744)
The King's Bedchamber (10745)
The Queen's Bedchamber (10746)
The Foyer of the Palace of the Kobaloi (10747)
The Kobaloi Healing Cavern (10748)
The Dais (10749)
The Holy Retreat of the Kobaloi (10750)
The Holy Retreat of the Kobaloi (10751)
The Holy Retreat of the Kobaloi (10752)
The Holy Retreat of the Kobaloi (10753)
The Holy Retreat of the Kobaloi (10754)
Priest's Private Chambers (10755)
A Priest's Sleeping Quarters (10756)
A Priest's Sleeping Quarters (10757)
Entrance to the Ponds (10758)
Entrance to the Ponds (10759)
Tackle Shop (10760)
Entrance to the Ponds (10761)
The Headquarters of the Pond Keepers (10762)
The Trapped Ponds (10763)
The Trapped Ponds (10764)
The Trapped Ponds (10765)
The Trapped Ponds (10766)
The Trapped Ponds (10767)
Kobaloi Subterranean Fish Ponds (10768)
A Steep Shaft (10769)
A Steep Shaft (10770)
Among the Subterranean Ponds (10771)
Among the Subterranean Ponds (10772)
Among the Subterranean Ponds (10773)
Among the Subterranean Ponds (10774)
Among the Subterranean Ponds (10775)
Among the Subterranean Ponds (10776)
Among the Subterranean Ponds (10777)
Among the Subterranean Ponds (10778)
A Deep Pond (10779)
Among the Subterranean Ponds (10780)
A Waterfall (10781)
Among the Subterranean Ponds (10782)
At the Base of a Waterfall (10783)
A Subterranean Rivulet (10784)
A Waterfall (10785)
The Lower Ponds (10786)
The Lower Ponds (10787)