Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
The Archipelago of Entropy
Aardwolf Area: The Archipelago of Entropy (entropy)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) An oblong lens
(Flying) The playwright
a drain spirit
a drifter
a drifter
a drifter
a floating horn
a floating horn
a floating horn
a fzab child
a Fzab villager
a green bush
a Kism banker
a Kism entrepreneur
a Kism entrepreneur
a Kism entrepreneur
a Kism investor
a Kism investor
a Kism investor
a laughing man
a mumbling mummy
a mumbling mummy
a mumbling mummy
a mumbling mummy
a mumbling mummy
a mumbling mummy
a mumbling mummy
a painted card
a painted card
a painted card
a pair of beady-eyed dice
a phun clown
a purple trope
a purple trope
a purple trope
a Qwyv dreamer
a Qwyv dreamer
a Qwyv poet
a Qwyv poet
a Qwyv poet
a red herring
a sandcastle
a sulfurous leech
a sulfurous leech
a sulfurous leech
a sulfurous leech
a sulfurous leech
a sweet and sour centipede
a sweet and sour centipede
a Tlog knight
a Tlog knight
a Tlog lady
a Tlog lady
a Tlog lady
a tooth
a tooth
a wax demon
a wax demon
a Xerj academic
a Xerj academic
a Xerj academic
a Xerj academic
a Xerj academic
a Xerj functionary
a Xerj functionary
a Xerj functionary
a Xerj functionary
an amalgamated shaman
an ardent scribbler
an indigo hen
an indigo hen
an indigo hen
an iron butterfly
an iron butterfly
an oblong lens
an oblong lens
an oblong lens
an oblong lens
an oblong lens
an obsidian sponge
an obsidian sponge
an unctuous puppet
an unctuous puppet
an usher
Dr. Yuck
Dr. Yuck
Lord Bombast
Professor Gimlet
the carnivore
the Earl of Tlog
the Earl of Tlog
the Fzab leader
the Grand Impresario
the Mayor of Animation
the mechanical spider
the metaphysical spider
the metaphysical spider
the Orientalist
the Orientalist
the Orientalist
the philosopher
the philosopher
the philosopher
the playwright
the Plumber
the Plumber
the political spider
the political spider
the political spider
Currently tracking
in this area:
Pink Sands (29772)
A yawning plaza (29773)
Rose garden (29774)
Fzab village (29775)
An abandoned mine (29776)
A stagnant pond (29777)
Onyx Temple (29778)
Puppet Theater (29779)
Shadow Theater (29780)
Uncomfortable seats (29781)
Pumpkin patch (29782)
Phun City (29783)
Empty stage (29784)
Dentist's office (29785)
A glass terrace (29786)
The Museum (29787)
South wing of the Museum (29788)
Cellar of forgotten artifacts (29789)
A Library (29790)
Cell of pure Thought (29791)
The Panopticon (29792)
The empty restaurant (29793)
The dicer's alley (29794)
Swamp land (29795)
The investor's seminar (29796)
Used cart lot (29797)
The card game (29798)
The broken bank (29799)
Gargantuan garden (29800)
Hall of heroes (29801)
The cock and the crucible (29802)
The wine cellar (29803)
Room of many candles (29804)
Jewel room (29805)
Vantage point (29806)
The dump (29807)
The Lobster (29808)
The beach of bad infinity (29809)
A crooked tower (29810)
The Inkwell (29811)
A rope of sand (29812)
A garish sunset (29813)
The Drain (29814)
Room of raw meat (29816)
Laugh track (29817)
Realm of perfect forms (29818)
The Mayor's Office (29819)
The glorious past (29820)