Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
The Dungeon of Doom
Aardwolf Area: The Dungeon of Doom (dundoom)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) A vampire bat
(Flying) An evil imp
a beautiful half-orc maiden
a beautiful half-orc maiden
a beautiful half-orc maiden
a beautiful half-orc maiden
a beautiful half-orc maiden
a black dragon
a blue dragon
a bone golem
a bronze dragon
a bronze dragon
a bronze dragon
a bronze dragon
a copper dragon
a copper dragon
a copper golem
a diamond golem
a flesh golem
a fuzzy gnoll
a fuzzy gnoll
a ghast
a ghast
a ghost
a ghost
a ghost
a ghost
a ghost
a ghost
a ghost
a ghostly figure
a ghoul
a ghoul
a giant
a giant snake
a giant spider
a giant spider
a goblin
a goblin
a gold dragon
a gold dragon
a gold golem
a green dragon
a hobgoblin
a hobgoblin
a jade golem
a large orc
a large orc
a lost priest
a metal slime
a mummy
a mummy
a powerful goblin wizard
a powerful lich
a red dragon
a ruby golem
a seasoned adventurer
a silver dragon
a silver golem
a skeleton
a skeleton
a spirit
a spirit
a spirit
a spirit
a stone golem
a tough-looking goblin
a tough-looking goblin
a treasure hunter
a treasure hunter
a treasure hunter
a troll
a troll
a vampire
a vampire
a vampire bat
a white dragon
a wood golem
a wraith
a wraith
a wraith
a zombie
a zombie
an amber dragon
an amber golem
an emerald golem
an evil imp
an evil imp
an evil imp
an evil imp
an iron golem
an ivory golem
an ogre
an ogre
an orc
Currently tracking
in this area:
A Collapsed Cavern (25661)
Entering the Dungeon of Doom (25662)
Travelling Down a Dark Tunnel (25663)
Intersection in a Dark Tunnel (25664)
A Dark Tunnel in the Dungeon of Doom (25665)
The End of the Tunnel (25666)
A Dark Tunnel (25667)
A Corner of the Dungeon of Doom (25668)
Wandering in the Darkness (25669)
An Intersection of Tunnels (25670)
Wandering in the Darkness (25671)
Wandering in the Darkness (25672)
Wandering in the Darkness (25673)
In a Tunnel in the Dungeon of Doom (25674)
A Tunnel in the Dungeon (25675)
A Dark Tunnel (25676)
A Turn in a Dark Tunnel (25677)
A Dark Tunnel (25678)
The Tunnel Divides (25679)
A Dark Tunnel (25680)
Entering a Well-Lit Passageway (25681)
Travelling Along a Dank Tunnel (25682)
Following a Dirty Tunnel (25683)
In a Well Used Passageway (25684)
A Small Goblin Warren (25685)
The Passage Divides (25686)
A Dark Tunnel (25687)
Entrance to a Dark Warren (25688)
Inside a Goblinoid Warren (25689)
Far End of a Warren (25690)
Corner of a Warren (25691)
Inside a Smelly Passageway (25692)
The Tunnel Turns (25693)
In a Tunnel in the Dungeon of Doom (25694)
A Narrow Tunnel (25695)
Inside the Dungeon of Doom (25696)
Entrance to a Cave (25697)
Inside a Warren (25698)
Deep Inside a Warren (25699)
Inside a Smelly Warren (25700)
A Multi-Colored Chamber (25701)
The Lair of the White Wyrm (25702)
The Lair of the Copper Wyrm (25703)
The Lair of the Black Wyrm (25704)
The Lair of the Bronze Wyrm (25705)
The Lair of the Green Wyrm (25706)
The Lair of the Silver Wyrm (25707)
The Lair of the Blue Wyrm (25708)
The Lair of the Amber Wyrm (25709)
The Lair of the Red Wyrm (25710)
The Lair of the Golden Wyrm (25711)
The Lair of the Black Wyrm (25712)
The Lair of the Bronze Wyrm (25713)
The Lair of the Green Wyrm (25714)
The Lair of the Silver Wyrm (25715)
The Lair of the Blue Wyrm (25716)
The Lair of the Amber Wyrm (25717)
The Lair of the Red Wyrm (25718)
The Lair of the Golden Wyrm (25719)
A Sanctuary Chamber (25720)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25721)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25722)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25723)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25724)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25725)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25726)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25727)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25728)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25729)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25730)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25731)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25732)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25733)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25734)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25735)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25736)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25737)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25738)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25739)
Inside an Ancient Crypt (25740)
A Well-Lit Chamber (25741)
The Entrance to the Hall of Constructs (25742)
In the Hall of Constructs (25743)
An Ancient Golem Workshop (25744)
An Ancient Golem Workshop (25745)
An Ancient Golem Workshop (25746)
In the Hall of Constructs (25747)
An Ancient Golem Workshop (25748)
An Ancient Golem Workshop (25749)
An Ancient Golem Workshop (25750)
An Ancient Golem Workshop (25751)
In the Hall of Constructs (25752)
An Ancient Golem Workshop (25753)
An Ancient Golem Workshop (25754)
An Ancient Golem Workshop (25755)
An Ancient Golem Workshop (25756)
The End of the Hall of Constructs (25757)
An Ancient Golem Workshop (25758)
An Ancient Golem Workshop (25759)
An Ancient Golem Workshop (25760)