Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
The DarkLight
Aardwolf Area: The DarkLight (darklight)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) A doomguard
(Flying) A golden paladin
(Flying) A golden paladin
(Flying) A lich
(Flying) A royal mage
(Flying) A vampyre
(Flying) A wight
(Flying) An elven scout
(Flying) An elven scout
(Flying) An undead captain
(Flying) An undead general
(Flying) An undead sergeant
(Flying) Female citizen
(Flying) General Odin
(Flying) Highlord Koran
(Flying) Lady Cristiana
(Flying) Lord Kyron
(Flying) Lord Obayo
(Flying) Lord Obayo
(Flying) The slave overlord
(Flying) The slave overlord
a citizen of Heavenswatch
a citizen of Heavenswatch
a demonic imp
a demonic imp
a doomguard
a doomguard
a doomguard
a doomguard
a foreign hero
a golden paladin
a golden paladin
a golden paladin
a golden paladin
a golden paladin
a golden paladin
a lich
a lich
a lich
a paladin
a paladin
a royal mage
a royal mage
a slave
a vampyre
a vampyre
a vampyre
a war lizard
a warhorse
a warhorse
a wight
a wight
a wight
a wight
a young child
a young child
an elven scout
an elven scout
an elven scout
an elven scout
an elven scout
an elven warrior
an elven warrior
an undead captain
an undead captain
an undead captain
an undead captain
an undead captain
an undead general
an undead general
an undead general
an undead sergeant
an undead sergeant
an undead sergeant
an undead warrior
an undead warrior
an undead warrior
an undead warrior
Female citizen
Female citizen
General Odin
General Odin
General Odin
General Odin
Guard of the city
Highlord Koran
Highlord Koran
King Lorien
Lady Cristiana
Lady Cristiana
Lord Kyron
Lord Kyron
Lord Kyron
Lord Obayo
Male citizen
Male citizen
Omkas the reaper
Orionis the blacksmith
Sabrina the Enchantress
Sabrina the Enchantress
the black smith
the ghost of Berthol
the slave overlord
the slave overlord
the slave overlord
Currently tracking
in this area:
The Gates of Heavenswatch (19628)
The Main Street (19629)
Orionis Foundry (19630)
The Lightstone (19631)
The Main Street (19632)
The Sun Palace Gates (19633)
Sabrina's Collections and Books (19634)
The Hall of Adventures (19635)
The Throne Room (19636)
The Hall of Adventures (19637)
The Hall of Adventures (19638)
The Hall of Adventures (19639)
The Tower of Light (19640)
The Tower of Light (19641)
On Top of the Tower of Light (19642)
Among the Stars (19643)
An Old Twisted Road (19644)
The Skullgore Plains (19645)
The Skullgore Plains (19646)
The Skullgore Plains (19647)
The Skullgore Plains (19648)
The Skullgore Plains (19649)
The Skullgore Plains (19650)
The Skullgore Plains (19651)
The Skullgore Plains (19652)
The Skullgore Plains (19653)
The Dark Path (19654)
The Gates of Darkblaze (19655)
A Dark Street (19656)
A Dark Street (19657)
A Dark Street (19658)
The Slave Pens (19659)
The Black Smith Abode (19660)
A dark Street (19661)
The Crow (19662)
A Dark Street (19663)
Before the Dark Tower (19664)
The Dark Tower (19669)
The Dark Tower (19670)
Before the Black Door (19671)
The Black Throne (19672)
Inside the Sky Tower (19673)
The Top of the Sky Tower (19674)