Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
Kiksaadi Cove
Aardwolf Area: Kiksaadi Cove (cove)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) A crusty barnacle
a bald eagle
a brown recluse spider
a centipede
a cloud of No-See-Ums
a cloud of No-See-Ums
a cloud of No-See-Ums
a cluster of mussels
a cluster of mussels
a crusty barnacle
a crusty barnacle
a crusty barnacle
a dog salmon
a dog salmon
a fat mosquito
a female tribe member
a gatherer
a geoduck clam
a geoduck clam
a geoduck clam
a group of deer
a group of deer
a hunter
a jellyfish forest
a jellyfish forest
a king salmon
a king salmon
a large black raven
a large sockeye salmon
a male tribe member
a pesky otter
a possessed gatherer
a possessed gatherer
a rotten tree
a rotten tree
a sand flea
a sand flea
a sand flea
a sand flea
a school of herring
a sea anemone
a sea anemone
a sea anemone
a sea lion
a shape shifter
a skunk cabbage
a small, slimy, pink salmon
a sockeye salmon
a stinging nettles bush
a swarm of plankton and krill
a tribal mutt
a twitchy shaman
a young boy
a young girl
a young girl
an annoying seagull
an annoying seagull
the dark stranger
the humpback whale
the large otter
the man-otter
the man-otter
the pale boy
the pale boy
the tribal elder
Currently tracking
in this area:
Entering a quiet cove (49941)
Nearing the shore (49942)
Swimming through the cove (49943)
Swimming through the cove (49944)
Nearing the shore (49945)
Nearing the shore (49946)
A small island (49948)
Climbing the rocky shore (49949)
Climbing the rocky shore (49950)
Climbing the rocky shore (49951)
A path into the woods (49952)
A path leading up the mountain (49953)
A path into the woods (49954)
Along the path (49955)
A break in the woods (49956)
A path leading up the mountain (49957)
Climbing the mountain (49958)
Climbing the mountain (49959)
At the edge of a muskeg (49960)
Wading through the soggy muskeg (49961)
Wading through the soggy muskeg (49962)
The lip of a ravine (49963)
@r_@W\@r|@WT@whe @WR@wavine of @WB@wones@r|@W/@r_@w (49964)
To the berry patch (49965)
Amongst the salmonberry bushes (49967)
Amongst the salmonberry bushes (49968)
Amongst the salmonberry bushes (49969)
Amongst the salmonberry bushes (49970)
Amongst the salmonberry bushes (49971)
A small hole behind the bushes (49972)
Below ground (49973)
Below ground (49974)
Spiders! (49975)
Beneath the web (49976)
Nearing a longhouse (49977)
On the back deck of a fishing boat (49978)
In a small row boat (49983)
Drowning! (49984)
Inside the longhouse (49985)
Inside the longhouse (49986)
Nearing the fire (49987)
The cooking fire (49988)
By the fire (49989)
Before the village elder (49990)
Overboard (49996)
Overboard (49997)
Overboard (49998)
Overboard (49999)
Diving down (50000)