Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
The Coral Kingdom
Aardwolf Area: The Coral Kingdom (coral)
Currently tracking
in this area:
a cave crab
a dog shark
a fish
a fish
a fish
a fish
a fish
a fish
a fish
a fish
a fish
a giant eel
a giant shark
a giant shark
a homeless sharkonian
a lantern fish
a manta ray
a member of the Sharkatan Guard
a merfolk
a merfolk slave
a merfolk slave
a merfolk spy
a recruiter for the Sharkatan Guard
a royal advisor
a sea monster
a sea monster
a shark
a sharkatan citizen
a sharkatan citizen
a sharkatan elite guard
a sharkatan elite guard
a sharkatan elite guard
a sharkatan elite guard
a sharkonian cleric
a sharkonian cleric
a sharkonian hermit
a sharkonian patrol leader
a sharkonian slaver
a sharkonian slaver
a sharkonian warrior
a sharkonian warrior
a sharkonian warrior
a slave guard
an adult female sharkonian
an adult male sharkonian
an eel
Some kelp vines
the champion of Sharkatan
the commander of the Sharkatan military
the Lord of Sharkatan
the Lord of Sharkatan
the Master Cleric of Mysharak
the Master Cleric of Mysharak
the Mistress of Sharkatan
Currently tracking
in this area:
Under the Waves (4563)
Swimming Down into the Deep (4564)
On the Ocean Floor (4565)
On the Ocean Floor (4566)
On the Edge of a Coral Reef (4567)
On the Ocean Floor (4568)
On the Ocean Floor (4569)
On the Ocean Floor (4570)
On the Ocean Floor (4571)
On the Ocean Floor (4572)
Entering the Coral Caves (4573)
In the Coral Caves (4574)
Before a Fissure (4575)
Deep Inside the Coral Caves (4576)
In a Tight Coral Tunnel (4577)
A Vast Coral Chamber (4578)
The Hermit's Den (4579)
End of a Dark Tunnel (4580)
Heading Deeper into the Coral Caves (4581)
A Dead End (4582)
Gateway to the City of Sharkatan (4583)
On Fanglang Avenue (4584)
A Simple Sharkonian Dwelling (4585)
On Fanglang Avenue (4586)
Before the Great Coral Tower (4587)
The Fanglang/Finlang Intersection (4588)
A Turn on Fanglang Avenue (4589)
On Fanglang Avenue (4590)
The Temple of Mysharak (4591)
Inside a Simple Sharkonian Dwelling (4592)
On the Finlang Swimway (4593)
Raztoth's Munchies (4594)
On Toothcut Avenue (4595)
On Toothcut Avenue (4596)
Grogvile's Metals (4597)
In a Simple Sharkonian Dwelling (4598)
A Turn on the Finlang Swimway (4599)
Factiza's Surface World Emporium (4600)
On the Finlang Swimway (4601)
In a Simple Sharkonian Dwelling (4602)
Inside the Coral Tower of Sharkatan (4603)
The Slave Chamber (4604)
Inside the Tower's Guardpost (4605)
On the Second Floor of the Coral Tower (4606)
The Military Council Chamber (4607)
The Champion's Suite (4608)
The Throne Room of the Sharkatan Royals (4609)
The Royals' Chambers (4610)
On a Balcony Overlooking the City of Sharkatan (4611)
The Royal Advisory (4612)