Aardwolf Area: The Flying Citadel (citadel)
Currently tracking 86 mobs in this area:
- (Flying) A chimera
- (Flying) A griffon
- (Flying) A hellhound
- (Flying) A stone gargoyle
- (Flying) Baal, prince of war
- (Flying) Beleth, princess of nightmares
- (Flying) Belial, prince of fire
- (Flying) Blandine, archangel of dreams
- (Flying) Gabriel, archangel of fire
- (Flying) Janus, archangel of the wind
- (Flying) Jean, archangel of lightning
- (Flying) Laurence, archangel of the sword
- (Flying) Michael, archangel of war
- (Flying) Valefor, prince of theft
- (Flying) Vapula, prince of technology
- a centaur
- a centaur
- a centaur child
- a centaur child
- a centaur guard
- a chimera
- a chimera
- a drunkard
- a drunkard
- a gelatinous cube
- a gelatinous cube
- a griffon
- a griffon
- a guardian of the tower
- a hellhound
- a hellhound
- a hellhound
- a HUGE hellhound
- a HUGE hellhound
- a humble priest
- a sewer rat
- a stone gargoyle
- a stone gargoyle
- a thorny vine
- a thorny vine
- a unicorn
- a villager
- a warrior of the darkness
- a warrior of the light
- a warrior of the light
- a wereaardwolf
- a werebunny
- a werebunny
- a werebunny
- a werebunny
- a wereraven
- a werewolf
- a werewolf
- an aftershock
- Baal, prince of war
- Beleth, princess of nightmares
- Beleth, princess of nightmares
- Belial, prince of fire
- Blandine, archangel of dreams
- Blandine, archangel of dreams
- Gabriel, archangel of fire
- Janus, archangel of the wind
- Janus, archangel of the wind
- Janus, archangel of the wind
- Jean, archangel of lightning
- Jean, archangel of lightning
- Laurence, archangel of the sword
- Laurence, archangel of the sword
- Laurence, archangel of the sword
- Malcrom, the Ageless
- Malcrom, the Ageless
- Malcrom's Assistant
- Meredith the merchantess
- Michael, archangel of war
- Saminga, prince of death
- Saminga, prince of death
- the Guardian of the Orb
- the Guardian of the Orb
- the inside of the gelatinous cube
- the other villager
- Tommy
- Valefor, prince of theft
- Valefor, prince of theft
- Valefor, prince of theft
- Vapula, prince of technology
- Vapula, prince of technology
Currently tracking 50 rooms in this area: