Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
Chakra Spire
Aardwolf Area: Chakra Spire (chakra)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) A begonia faerie
(Flying) A black opal cardinal
(Flying) A black pansy crow
(Flying) A black pansy crow
(Flying) A black tulip heron
(Flying) A cherry blossom forest spirit
(Flying) A clematis forest spirit
(Flying) A columbine antelope
(Flying) A cucumber gnome
(Flying) A dragon fruit faerie
(Flying) A dragon fruit faerie
(Flying) A flamingo faerie
(Flying) A garlic gnome
(Flying) A green bean sprite
(Flying) A green calcite faerie
(Flying) A green topaz gnome
(Flying) A hellebore forest spirit
(Flying) A hummingbird sprite
(Flying) A hydrangea faerie
(Flying) A jasmine forest spirit
(Flying) A kiwi sprite
(Flying) A lettuce forest spirit
(Flying) A lime sprite
(Flying) A lychee faerie
(Flying) A mint forest spirit
(Flying) A pea pod sprite
(Flying) A pink fluorite faerie
(Flying) A pink seahorse faerie
(Flying) A pink tulip forest spirit
(Flying) A pink tulip forest spirit
(Flying) A plum blossom forest spirit
(Flying) A sage faerie
(Flying) A spinach forest spirit
(Flying) A turnip gnome
(Flying) An agate bluebird
(Flying) An artichoke gnome
(Flying) An azalea forest spirit
(Flying) An onyx blue jay
a basil faerie
a basil faerie
a basil faerie
a begonia faerie
a begonia faerie
a bell pepper sprite
a bell pepper sprite
a bell pepper sprite
a bell pepper sprite
a bell pepper sprite
a bellflower gazelle
a bellflower gazelle
a bellflower gazelle
a black opal cardinal
a black opal cardinal
a black opal cardinal
a black opal cardinal
a black opal cardinal
a black opal cardinal
a black opal cardinal
a black pansy crow
a black pansy crow
a black pansy crow
a black pansy crow
a black pansy crow
a black sapphire bear
a black sapphire bear
a black sapphire bear
a black sapphire bear
a black sapphire bear
a black sapphire bear
a black sapphire bear
a black tourmaline chickadee
a black tourmaline chickadee
a black tourmaline chickadee
a black tourmaline chickadee
a black tourmaline chickadee
a black tourmaline chickadee
a black tulip heron
a black tulip heron
a black tulip heron
a black tulip heron
a black tulip heron
a black tulip heron
a black tulip heron
a black tulip heron
a blackberry beaver
a blackberry beaver
a blackberry beaver
a blackberry beaver
a blackberry beaver
a blackberry beaver
a bleeding heart forest spirit
a bleeding heart forest spirit
a bleeding heart forest spirit
a bloodstone shaman
a blue sapphire faerie
a blue sapphire faerie
a blue sapphire faerie
a blue topaz hyrax
a blue topaz hyrax
a bluebell fox
a bluebell fox
a bluebell fox
a blueberry viper
a blueberry viper
a blueberry viper
a bluestar eagle
a bluestar eagle
a broccoli forest spirit
a broccoli forest spirit
a butternut squash cock-of-the-rock
a cabbage forest spirit
a cabbage forest spirit
a cabbage forest spirit
a cabbage forest spirit
a cactus gnome
a cactus gnome
a cactus gnome
a cactus gnome
a cactus gnome
a camellia forest spirit
a camellia forest spirit
a candytuft gazelle
a carnation faerie
a carnation faerie
a carnation faerie
a carnelian alpaca
a carnelian alpaca
a catmint antelope
a celery gnome
a celery gnome
a chameleon sprite
a chameleon sprite
a chameleon sprite
a chamomile emu
a chamomile emu
a chamomile emu
a cherry blossom forest spirit
a cherry blossom forest spirit
a chrysanthemum faerie
a chrysanthemum faerie
a citrine seadragon
a clematis forest spirit
a clematis forest spirit
a cloud sheep
a cloud sheep
a clover sprite
a clover sprite
a clover sprite
a coal cobra
a coal cobra
a coal cobra
a coal cobra
a coal cobra
a columbine antelope
a columbine antelope
a columbine antelope
a columbine antelope
a columbine antelope
a columbine antelope
a columbine antelope
a columbine antelope
a coneflower pika
a coral bell faerie
a coral bell faerie
a coral bell faerie
a cosmos faerie
a cosmos faerie
a crocus intuitive
a crocus intuitive
a crocus intuitive
a crocus intuitive
a crocus intuitive
a cucumber gnome
a cucumber gnome
a cucumber gnome
a cucumber gnome
a daffodil pigeon
a daffodil pigeon
a daffodil pigeon
a dahlia faerie
a dahlia faerie
a dahlia faerie
a daisy forest spirit
a daisy forest spirit
a dandelion archer
a dandelion archer
a dandelion archer
a delphinium faerie
a delphinium faerie
a diamond snow leopard
a diamond snow leopard
a dragon fruit faerie
a dragon fruit faerie
a dreaming spirit
a dreaming spirit
a dreaming spirit
a flamingo faerie
a flamingo faerie
a flamingo faerie
a forsythia kangaroo
a forsythia kangaroo
a forsythia kangaroo
a foxglove swan
a foxglove swan
a freesia bull-lion
a freesia bull-lion
a freesia bull-lion
a garlic gnome
a garlic gnome
a garlic gnome
a garnet grasshopper
a geranium forest spirit
a geranium forest spirit
a geranium forest spirit
a goldenrod kookaburra
a goldenrod kookaburra
a goldenrod kookaburra
a grapefruit python
a grapefruit python
a grapefruit python
a grasshopper sprite
a grasshopper sprite
a grasshopper sprite
a grasshopper sprite
a green agate gnome
a green agate gnome
a green agate gnome
a green aventurine faerie
a green aventurine faerie
a green aventurine faerie
a green bean sprite
a green bean sprite
a green bean sprite
a green calcite faerie
a green calcite faerie
a green calcite faerie
a green calcite faerie
a green daylily gnome
a green daylily gnome
a green grape gnome
a green grape gnome
a green tea forest spirit
a green tea forest spirit
a green tea forest spirit
a green topaz gnome
a green topaz gnome
a green topaz gnome
a hellebore forest spirit
a hellebore forest spirit
a hellebore forest spirit
a hellebore forest spirit
a hibiscus faerie
a hibiscus faerie
a hibiscus faerie
a honeysuckle possum
a honeysuckle possum
a honeysuckle possum
a hummingbird sprite
a hummingbird sprite
a hummingbird sprite
a hummingbird sprite
a hyacinth cobra
a hyacinth cobra
a hydrangea faerie
a hydrangea faerie
a jade faerie
a jade faerie
a jade faerie
a jade faerie
a jade faerie
a jasmine forest spirit
a jasmine forest spirit
a jasmine forest spirit
a katydid sprite
a katydid sprite
a katydid sprite
a kiwi sprite
a kiwi sprite
a kumquat condor
a lapis lazuli viper
a lapis lazuli viper
a lapis lazuli viper
a lavender donkey
a lemon-quartz lizard
a lemon-quartz lizard
a lemon-quartz lizard
a lettuce forest spirit
a lettuce forest spirit
a lilac bison
a lilac bison
a lilac bison
a lilac bison
a lilac bison
a lilac bison
a lilac bison
a lime sprite
a lime sprite
a lime sprite
a lotus faerie
a lotus faerie
a lotus faerie
a lotus faerie
a lychee faerie
a lychee faerie
a lychee faerie
a lychee faerie
a lychee faerie
a magnolia forest spirit
a magnolia forest spirit
a malachite gnome
a malachite gnome
a malachite gnome
a mantis sprite
a maple cinnamon flycatcher
a marigold nightjar
a meadowsweet faerie
a meadowsweet faerie
a meadowsweet faerie
a melanite coyote
a melanite coyote
a melanite coyote
a melanite coyote
a melanite coyote
a mint forest spirit
a mint forest spirit
a moonflower lynx
a moonstone dove
a moonstone dove
a morganite gnome
a morganite gnome
a morganite gnome
a morganite gnome
a morning glory ibex
a morning glory ibex
a morning glory ibex
a mountain spirit
a parsley gnome
a parsley gnome
a parsley gnome
a parsley gnome
a pea pod sprite
a pea pod sprite
a pea pod sprite
a pearl wolf
a peony faerie
a peony faerie
a peony faerie
a peridot gnome
a peridot gnome
a peridot gnome
a pink diamond gnome
a pink diamond gnome
a pink diamond gnome
a pink fluorite faerie
a pink fluorite faerie
a pink fluorite faerie
a pink fluorite faerie
a pink seahorse faerie
a pink seahorse faerie
a pink seahorse faerie
a pink spinel gnome
a pink spinel gnome
a pink tulip forest spirit
a pink tulip forest spirit
a pink tulip forest spirit
a pink tulip forest spirit
a plum blossom forest spirit
a plum blossom forest spirit
a plum blossom forest spirit
a poinsettia frog
a primrose faerie
a primrose faerie
a purple garnet marmot
a purple sapphire bear
a quartz fox
a quetzal sprite
a quetzal sprite
a radish faerie
a radish faerie
a radish faerie
a red coral elder
a red rose cobra
a red tulip deer
a rhodonite gnome
a rhodonite gnome
a rose quartz faerie
a rose quartz faerie
a rosemary forest spirit
a rosemary forest spirit
a rosemary forest spirit
a rosewood forest spirit
a rosewood forest spirit
a rosewood forest spirit
a rosewood forest spirit
a ruby red devil
a sage faerie
a sage faerie
a sage faerie
a snapdragon faerie
a snapdragon faerie
a snapdragon faerie
a sodalite mountain lion
a sodalite mountain lion
a sodalite mountain lion
a sodalite mountain lion
a sodalite mountain lion
a spinach forest spirit
a spinach forest spirit
a spinach forest spirit
a spinach forest spirit
a starflower snake
a starflower snake
a starflower snake
a strawberry forest spirit
a strawberry forest spirit
a strawberry forest spirit
a sunflower tiger
a sunflower tiger
a sunflower tiger
a sunstone feline
a tangerine tiger mimic
a thyme faerie
a thyme faerie
a thyme faerie
a tiger lily eagle
a tiger's eye wallaby
a tiger's eye wallaby
a tiger's eye wallaby
a tiger's eye wallaby
a timeless one
a timeless one
a timeless one
a tree frog sprite
a tree frog sprite
a turaco sprite
a turaco sprite
a turnip gnome
a turnip gnome
a turquoise mouse
a verbena hare
a viburnum forest spirit
a viburnum forest spirit
a viburnum forest spirit
a viburnum forest spirit
a viburnum forest spirit
a wallflower ibis
a waxflower lemming
a white rose deer
a wild poppy ox
a winter aconite dingo
a winter aconite dingo
a winter aconite dingo
a winter heather forest spirit
a winter heather forest spirit
a winter heather forest spirit
a wisteria hamster
a witch hazel hawk
a witch hazel hawk
a yellow tulip bull
a yellow tulip bull
an agate bluebird
an agate bluebird
an agate bluebird
an agate bluebird
an aloe vera sprite
an aloe vera sprite
an aloe vera sprite
an aloe vera sprite
an amazonite lizard
an amazonite lizard
an amazonite lizard
an amber puma
an amethyst tiger
an amethyst tiger
an anemone crane
an aphid sprite
an aphid sprite
an apricot torrent duck
an aquamarine cobra
an aquamarine cobra
an aquamarine cobra
an artichoke gnome
an artichoke gnome
an asparagus gnome
an asparagus gnome
an aubrieta otter
an aubrieta otter
an aubrieta otter
an aubrieta otter
an aubrieta otter
an aubrieta otter
an avocado sprite
an avocado sprite
an avocado sprite
an avocado sprite
an azalea forest spirit
an azalea forest spirit
an azalea forest spirit
an azurite cat
an azurite cat
an azurite cat
an eggplant pheasant
an elderberry yak
an emerald gnome
an emerald gnome
an iris birdman
an iris birdman
an onyx blue jay
an onyx blue jay
an onyx blue jay
an onyx blue jay
an onyx blue jay
an orange calcite wren
an orchid forest spirit
an orchid forest spirit
Earth Mother
He Who Remakes the World
Pale death
Pure light
Spark of life
the Lightning
the Lost Chord
the Moon Spirit
the Orange Blossom King
the Orange Blossom King
the Rain Spirit
the rainbow serpent
the rainbow serpent
the Ray
the Twilight Spirit
the Water
Currently tracking
in this area:
Grubhut (39151)
Ammonites (39152)
Lime Kiln (39153)
Castle Hill (39154)
Fata Morgana (39155)
Wandering Stars (39156)
Hoodoos (39157)
Linear Earthwork (39158)
Sacred Myrtle (39159)
Irrigation Ditch (39160)
Misty Woodland (39161)
Shepherd's Flock (39162)
Spiral Path (39163)
Islet (39164)
Staddle Stone Granary (39165)
Divination Hill (39166)
Sand Dunes (39167)
Trough Garden (39168)
Hillfort of Spears (39169)
Gate of Destiny (39170)
Spirit Courtyard (39171)
Romance Tower (39172)
Ancient Bridge (39173)
Water Stairs (39174)
Stone Kiosk (39175)
Faerie Point (39176)
Friendly Naiad Vale (39177)
Abundant Splendor (39178)
Great Unknown Barrow (39179)
Lost Stones (39180)
Pollarded Willows (39181)
Zephyr Hill (39182)
Crow Hop Rise (39183)
Faerie Meadow Hill (39184)
Chalkland (39186)
Charming Music (39187)
Humble Shade (39188)
Gravel Banks (39189)
Rural Routes (39190)
Melodious Birds (39191)
Sweet Air (39192)
Pavilion of Trees (39193)
Firm Stateliness (39194)
Civilized Wilderness (39195)
Scattered Houses (39196)
Pleasant Shade (39197)
Sheepfold (39198)
Stately Trees (39199)
Flourishing Beauty (39200)
Reed Sweetgrass (39201)
Gold Tower (39202)
Leafy Oaks (39203)
Silvergrass (39204)
Mourning Beech (39205)
Shadowed Waters (39208)
Soft Shadows (39209)
Mellow Lane (39210)
Shieling Hill (39211)
Statuary (39212)
Diva Woods (39213)
Geoglyphs (39214)
Yew Tunnel (39215)
Drained Marshland (39216)
Willow Shrubs (39217)
Peripheral Grassland (39218)
Topiary (39219)
Young Peacocks (39220)
Relaxing Countryside (39221)
Elegant Vale (39222)
Whitewater (39223)
Tumulus (39224)
Green Man's Woods (39225)
Pasture Commons (39226)
Turf Maze (39227)
Pleached Hedging (39228)
Knot Garden (39229)
Boxwood Parterre (39230)
Laurel Maze (39231)
Water Parterre (39232)
Edgepoint Manor (39233)
Walled Kitchen Garden (39234)
Head Gardener's House (39235)
Cutting Gardens (39236)
Clothier's Workshop (39239)
Carpenter's Workshop (39241)
Garden Seat (39242)
Community Orchard (39243)
Fishing Stream (39244)
Basilica (39245)
Garden Gates (39246)
Flowery Meads (39247)
Summer House (39248)
Folly (39249)
Games of Flora (39250)
Tapestry Hedge (39251)
Garden Grotto (39252)
Golden Flower Arch (39254)
Wild Pigs (39255)
Unseeded Field (39256)
Simple Huts (39257)
Hermitage (39258)
Espalier (39259)
Cove of Stones (39260)
Tower at the Summit (39263)
Lowland Hills (39264)
Lichen Falls (39265)
Stone Circle (39266)
Physic Garden (39267)
Terrestrial Constellations (39268)
Gateway to Higher Awareness (39269)
Paradise Gardens (39270)
Divine Flowers and Fruits (39271)
Unstruck Sound (39272)
Hermitage (39273)
Cloister Garden (39274)
Monastic Gardens (39275)
Watermill (39276)
Stepstones (39277)
Bee Boles (39278)
Memorial Garden (39279)
Pleasure Garden (39280)
Paradise Garden (39281)
Sensory Garden (39282)
Dovecote (39283)
Barn (39284)
Tea House (39285)
Tea Garden (39286)
Parterre (39287)
Nymphaeum (39288)
Monopteros (39289)
Gunnera (39290)
Brightest Star (39291)
Abode of Divine Beings (39292)
City of Lustrous Jewels (39293)
Wish-Granting Tree (39294)
Divine Lake (39295)
Fish Pond (39296)
Water Pump (39297)
Sacred Well (39298)
Wet Scrub (39299)
Open Water (39300)
Reed Bed (39301)
Peat Marsh (39302)
Butterfly Garden (39303)
Philosophical Garden (39304)
Romance Abbey (39305)
Moon Garden (39306)
Belvedere (39307)
Arbors of Creepers (39308)
Bosquet (39309)
Pergola (39310)
Green Wall (39311)
Treetop Terrace (39312)
Secluded Shrine (39313)
Water Feature (39314)
Exedra (39315)
Pavilion Oasis (39316)
Flight Cage (39317)
Jasmine Bower (39318)
Rattlesnake Causeway (39319)
Minaret (39320)
Luminous Threads to the Stars (39321)
Everywhen (39322)
Sacred Rock (39323)
Into Hollow Earth (39324)
Sunlight Temple (39325)
Sunlight Gate (39326)
Stone Terraces (39327)
Terraced Hillside (39328)
Primitive Pyramid (39329)
Windswept Wonders (39330)
Birthplace of the Sun (39331)
Sunlight Palace (39332)
Peaceful Spirit (39333)
Back of Beyond (39334)
Footsteps of Sunlight (39335)
Soul Crossing (39336)
Moonlight Temple (39337)
Mother Mountain (39338)
Starlight Palace (39339)
Feather Grass (39340)
Father Mountain (39341)
Verdant Landscape (39342)
Birthplace of the Stars (39343)
Rebirth (39344)
Principal Niche (39345)
Thatched Village (39346)
Cherished Valley (39347)
Birthplace of the Moons (39348)
Rainbow Serpent Rock (39349)
Stepped Platform (39350)
Underwater Temple (39351)
Gate of Hope (39352)
Illuminated Lake (39353)
Eternal City (39354)
Soul Walk (39355)
Spirit Walk (39356)
Ruby Summit (39357)
Troll Thumb Rock (39358)
Cloud Creek Falls (39359)
Island Mountain (39360)
Ancestral Past (39361)
Ancestral Now (39362)
Dreamtime Track (39363)
Unfixed in Time (39364)
The Dreaming (39365)
Marbles of the Gods (39366)
The Dreamtime (39367)
Golden Ratio Pyramid (39368)
Gnarled Trunks (39369)
Olive Grove (39370)
Early in Bloom (39371)
Heavenly Blossoms (39372)
Billowing Crowns (39373)
Alignment with the Stars (39374)
Voice of the Living Earth (39375)
Eagle's Mound (39376)
Equinox Pole (39377)
Solstice Pole (39378)
Palisade (39379)
Sugarloaf Square (39380)
Owl Plaza (39381)
Microcosm (39382)
Falcon Lodge (39383)
Portal to Heaven (39384)
Isle of Gems (39385)
Jeweled Throne (39386)
Divine View (39387)
Sky Pillar (39388)
Lake of Consciousness (39389)
Axis Mundi (39390)
World Apex (39391)
Ghost Lake (39392)
Cosmic Ocean (39393)
Dragon Currents Converge (39394)