Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
The Icy Caldera of Mauldoon
Aardwolf Area: The Icy Caldera of Mauldoon (caldera)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) A frost faerie
(Flying) A frost faerie
(Flying) An ice cherub
a blue flame
a frost faerie
a frost faerie
a frostling
a grisly thug
a human sacrifice
a jagged fissure
a penguin snake
a red flame
a snow bat
a snow devil
a tame hell hound
a thug
a white flame
a wrathful flame
a yellow flame
an avalanche spirit
an evil priest
an ice cherub
an ice cherub
an ice cherub
an ice cherub
an ice cherub
an ice cherub
an ice cherub
an ice cherub
an ice cherub
an ice pixie
an ice pixie
an ice spirit
an icy gust of wind
an orange flame
the god of fire elementals
the ice lord
Currently tracking
in this area:
On a Mountain Path (26341)
A Turn on a Mountain Path (26342)
At the Base of a Frozen Volcano (26343)
Climbing the Icy Slope (26344)
Following a Snow Covered Path (26345)
At the Edge of the Caldera of Mauldoon (26346)
Falling to Your Death (26347)
Falling Into the Caldera of Mauldoon (26348)
Falling!! (26349)
Standing in a Snow Drift on the Frozen Lake (26350)
In the Caldera (26351)
Exploring the Inside of the Volcano (26352)
Overlooking a Deep Cavernous Hole in the Ice (26353)
Standing on the Icy Remnants of a Volcano (26354)
Jumping Over a Large Crack in the Ice (26355)
Swimming in Freezing Water (26356)
Standing Knee Deep in Slush (26357)
In a Large Cavern of Frost (26358)
A Massive Snow Drift (26359)
Standing on a Crumbling Ledge of Ice Above the Lake (26360)
A Giant Ice Floe (26361)
On a Dock on the Edge of the Caldera (26362)
A Dimly Lit Hallway (26363)
The Chamber of the Ice Lord (26364)
Swimming Beneath a Large Sheet of Ice (26365)