Aarchaeology Rewards Calculator
Training Optimizer
Aardwolf Pastebin
Kingdom of Ahner
Aardwolf Area: Kingdom of Ahner (ahner)
Currently tracking
in this area:
(Flying) A beaver
(Flying) A Nilbog
a ballroom student
a beaver
a beaver
a blacksmith
a cook
a dinner guest
a Dullurd guard
a Dullurd guard
a Dullurd soldier
a Dullurd soldier
a Dullurd soldier
a Dullurd soldier
a Dullurd soldier
a Dullurd soldier
a Dullurd warrior
a Dullurd warrior
a food vendor
a gelding
a gelding
a Gorlab prisoner
a Gorlab prisoner
a Gorlab soldier
a Gorlab soldier
a Gorlab trainee
a Gorlab trainee
a Gorlab warrior
a Gorlab warrior
a Gorlab warrior
a Gorlab warrior
a grey wolf
a grey wolf
a Nilbog
a Nilbog
a Nilbog
a Nilbog
a Nilbog cook
a Nilbog prisoner
a Nilbog prisoner
a Nilbog warrior
a Nilbog warrior
a scampering squirrel
a serving wench
a serving wench
a serving wench
a skunk
a skunk
a tavern patron
a tavern patron
a tortured Oreh
a wild boar
a wild boar
an Oreh
an Oreh guard
an Oreh spy
an Oreh spy
an Oreh warrior
an Oreh warrior
an otter
Andres, Gorlab leader
Babs the bartender
Babs the bartender
Belemer the troll
Correa the Nilbog leader
Correa the Nilbog leader
Cyrus Dirroh
Dean Ward
Devon the Deranged
Devon the Deranged
Devon the Deranged
Eduardo the stable boy
Kenneth the Demented
Kenneth the Demented
King Ahner
King Dullurd
Lady Christina
Michael the Hare
Michael the Hare
Queen Felicity
Randall the cook
Rodney the Rogue
Sir Christo
Sir Dane
the "Butcher"
the "Butcher"
the (Aarchaeology) Professor
the bay mare
the bay mare
the black stallion
the black stallion
the kingdom storyteller
Thomas Michael IV
Currently tracking
in this area:
Muddy Path (30129)
Muddy Path (30130)
Muddy Path (30131)
Well-trodden Road (30132)
Dark Forest Path (30133)
Dark Forest (30134)
Path to the Castle (30135)
Path to the Castle (30136)
Path to the Castle (30137)
Castle Grounds (30138)
Castle Grounds (30139)
Castle Grounds (30140)
Castle Gate (30141)
Inside the Castle Gates (30142)
Castle Courtyard (30143)
Castle Courtyard (30144)
Castle Forge (30145)
Workshop (30146)
The Tricky Troll Inn (30147)
Room in the Tavern (30148)
Quiet Room in the Tavern (30149)
Castle Steps (30150)
Castle Foyer (30151)
Hallway in the Castle (30152)
Hallway in the Castle (30153)
Hallway in the Castle (30154)
Castle Dining Hall (30155)
Castle Kitchen (30156)
Walk of Death (30157)
Walk of Death (30158)
Dungeon Cell (30159)
Dungeon Cell (30160)
Dungeon Cell (30161)
Dungeon Cell (30162)
Dungeon Cell (30163)
Castle Stables (30164)
Tack Room (30165)
Castle Study (30166)
Spiraling Staircase (30167)
Top of the Spiraling Staircase (30168)
Intersection in the Dark Forest (30169)
Dark Forest (30170)
Lair of Mel'issa (30171)
Entrance to the Oreh Hideout (30172)
Dark Forest (30173)
Lookout Point (30174)
Secret Hideout of the Orehs (30175)
Oreh's Bunkhouse (30176)
Oreh Cookhouse (30177)
Hallway in Oreh Hideout (30178)
Hallway in Oreh Hideout (30179)
Tactical Headquarters (30180)
Leaving the Darkness (30181)
Clearing of Light (30182)
Castle Grounds (30183)
Castle Grounds (30184)
Castle Grounds (30185)
Hallway in the Castle (30186)
Hallway in the Castle (30187)
Hallway in the Castle (30188)
Morganna's Room (30189)
Rodney's Room (30190)
Kyu's Room (30191)
Glenn's Room (30192)
Chamber of Death (30193)
Belemer's Room (30194)
Room in the tavern (30195)
Castle Courtyard (30196)
Castle Courtyard (30197)
King's Audience Chamber (30198)
Throne Room (30199)
Field Behind the Castle (30200)
Walk of Death (30201)
Walk of Death (30202)
Field of Death (30203)
Field of Death (30204)
Kenneth's Room of Horror (30205)
Castle Ballroom (30206)
Dungeon Cell (30207)
Bottom of the Wishing Well (30208)
Dark Forest (30209)
Nilbog Camp (30210)
Correa's Room (30211)
Nilbog Bunkhouse (30212)
Path in Nilbog Camp (30213)
Kitchen in Nilbog Camp (30214)
Field of Death (30215)
Field of Death (30216)
Field of Death (30217)
Field of Death (30218)
The Dark Forest (30219)
The Dark Forest (30220)
The Dark Forest (30221)
Gorlab Camp (30222)
Gorlab Camp (30223)
Gorlab Camp (30224)
Gorlab Camp (30225)
Clearing in the Forest of Light (30226)
Clearing in the forest of Light (30227)
A Lake in the Forest of Light (30228)
Hallway in the Castle (46843)