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Submitted by Ruhamah on July 14, 2020, 4:50 a.m. UTC

@GMaster Roshi's @BIsland@W, @MKAME HOUSE @w @WThe house is distinctive, painted @Mpink@W, a @Rred@W roof, and the words: @M _ __ _ __ __ _____ @M| |/ / / \ | \/ || ____| @M| ' / / _ \ | |\/| || _| @M| . \ / ___ \ | | | || |___ @M|_|\_\/_/ \_\|_| |_||_____| @M _ _ ___ _ _ ____ _____ @M| | | | / _ \ | | | |/ __ | | ____| @M| |_| || | | || | | |\___ \ | _| @M| _ || |_| || |_| | ___) || |___ @M|_| |_| \___/ \___/ |____/ |_____| @wdisplayed prominently on the front of the upper story. @MKame House @wis the training site of @YGoku@W, @gKrillin@W, and @BYamcha@W during the @RTournament@W and @mFortuneteller Baba@W Sagas. It was made strong @wenough to withstand a @btsunami@W. This was tested when @gKrillin @wwas practicing his @RK@BA@GM@ME@YH@MA@CM@BE@RH@GA@W technique while getting his @wmind off his breakup with @MMaron@W, accidentally creating a @btsunami@W that engulfed the house, leaving it wet but standing. @GMaster Roshi@W reinforced the house so his students couldn't @wdestroy the it with a @RK@BA@GM@ME@YH@MA@CM@BE@RH@GA@W. @W @g[ Exits: north west ] @GYajirobe@W stands here, selling items leftover from the last battle.

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